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发布时间:2018-06-26 08:31

  本文选题:肌腱粘连 + 姜黄素 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:研究背景及目的 手外伤中肌腱损伤约占开放性损伤病例的三分之一,损伤的肌腱在愈合过程中出现粘连严重影响手的功能。研究表明肌腱粘连主要是由炎症反应参与的肌腱外源性愈合所导致,而某些药物如姜黄素可以抑制炎症反应,故我们通过实验研究姜黄素抑制局部炎症反应从而预防肌腱粘连的作用以及姜黄素和纳米化姜黄素在预防肌腱粘连作用程度是否存在差异性。 材料与方法: 1.材料:选取72只体重350g至450g正常雄性Wistar种系大鼠作为实验动物模型。 2.方法:将大鼠置动物室正常饲养一个星期,状态稳定后即开展实验。将72只大鼠随机分为3组大鼠跟腱试验模型:实验对照组(A组);单纯应用姜黄素实验组(B组);应用纳米化姜黄素联合局部激光照射组(C组)。以上3组中,分别应用生理盐水、姜黄素及纳米化姜黄素,并在术后不同的肌腱愈合时间点(1w、2w、4w、8w)进行肌腱的大体形态、组织形态学、生物力学以及免疫组化检查。通过观察实验结果分析实验组与对照组、两实验组间大鼠跟腱粘连程度是否存在差别。 结果: 1.大体形态: 术后1周各组大鼠跟腱轻度粘连,差异性不明显;术后2周各组大鼠跟腱粘连较前加重,A、B两组差异不明显,C组大鼠跟腱粘连程度明显轻于其他组;术后4周各组大鼠跟腱粘连较前更为加重,A组大鼠跟腱粘连程度重于B组,但两组差异较小,C组大鼠跟腱粘连程度明显轻于另两组;术后8周各组大鼠跟腱粘连较前有所减轻,A、B、C三组大鼠跟腱粘连程度依次递减,A、B两组间差异小于B、C两组间差异。 2.组织形态学: 术后1周各组大鼠肌腱断端见不同程度充血水肿及炎症细胞浸润,A、B两组肌腱吻合口炎症反应为3级,C组肌腱吻合口炎症反应为2级;术后2周各组大鼠肌腱断端充血水肿及炎细胞浸润程度较前减轻;术后4周各组大鼠肌腱断端炎症反应逐渐消退,成纤维细胞增殖并向断端移动,断端可见排列紊乱的胶原纤维,C组胶原纤维排列较另两组更规则;术后8周各组大鼠肌腱断端成纤维细胞减少,胶原纤维排列较前更为秩序,且C组较另两组排列更规则。 3.生物力学检测: 各组组内比较术后4周、8周肌腱滑动距离,A、B两组大鼠肌腱滑动距离减少,,C组大鼠肌腱滑动距离增加;比较术后4周、8周最大抗拉力时各组均无明显差异(P0.05)。于术后4周、8周两时间点各组组间比较时,C组大鼠肌腱滑动距离明显大于另两组;A、C、B三组最大抗拉力依次递减。 4.免疫组化 C组大鼠跟腱FGF-2抗体、FGFR-1抗体、β-catenin抗体高于另两组,而EPCAM抗体显著低于另两组。 结论: 1.纳米化姜黄素具有一定抑制炎症作用。 2.纳米化姜黄素具有预防肌腱粘连作用。 3.纳米化姜黄素具有促进肌腱内源性愈合作用
[Abstract]:Background and objective tendon injury accounts for about 1/3 of open injuries in hand trauma. Adhesion of injured tendons during healing seriously affects hand function. Studies have shown that tendon adhesions are mainly caused by exogenous healing of tendons involved in inflammatory reactions, while some drugs, such as curcumin, inhibit inflammatory reactions. So we studied the effect of curcumin on preventing tendon adhesion by inhibiting local inflammatory reaction and whether curcumin and nano-curcumin had different effects on preventing tendon adhesion. Materials and methods: 1. Materials: 72 normal male Wistar rats weighing 350 g to 450 g were selected as experimental animal models. 2. Methods: the rats were kept in the animal room for one week, and then the experiment was carried out. 72 rats were randomly divided into 3 groups: experimental control group (group A), curcumin experimental group (group B) and nano-curcumin combined with local laser irradiation group (group C). In the above three groups, physiological saline, curcumin and nanocrystalline curcumin were used respectively, and the gross morphology, histomorphology, biomechanics and immunohistochemistry of the tendon were examined at different time points of tendon healing (1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 8 weeks after operation). By observing the experimental results, we analyzed whether there were differences in the degree of Achilles tendon adhesion between the experimental group and the control group. Results: 1. Gross morphology: at 1 week after operation, there was no significant difference in the adhesion of Achilles tendon in each group, but the degree of adhesion of Achilles tendon in group C was significantly less than that in other groups 2 weeks after operation. 4 weeks after operation, the adhesion degree of Achilles tendon in group A was more serious than that in group B, but the degree of adhesion of Achilles tendon in group C was significantly less than that in group C. At 8 weeks after operation, the adhesion of Achilles tendon in each group was less than that in group B, and the degree of adhesion of Achilles tendon in group C was decreased in turn than that in group B. Histomorphology: at 1 week after operation, hyperemia and edema and inflammatory cell infiltration were found in different degree of hyperemia and edema at the broken end of tendon in each group. The inflammatory reaction of tendon anastomosis in group A and B was grade 2 in group C and grade 3; At 2 weeks after operation, the degree of hyperemia, edema and inflammatory cell infiltration at the broken end of tendon decreased in each group, and the inflammatory reaction at the broken end of tendon gradually subsided and fibroblasts proliferated and moved to the broken end at 4 weeks after operation. The collagenous fibers in group C were more regular than those in the other two groups, and at 8 weeks after operation, the number of fibroblasts at the broken end of tendon decreased and the arrangement of collagen fibers was more orderly in group C than in the other two groups. C group is more regular than the other two groups. 3. Biomechanical examination: in each group, the tendon sliding distance decreased in group C and increased in group C at 4 weeks and 8 weeks after operation. There was no significant difference in the maximum tensile strength between 4 weeks and 8 weeks after operation (P0.05). At 4 weeks and 8 weeks after operation, the distance of tendon sliding in group C was significantly larger than that in group A and C, and the maximum tensile force in group C was significantly lower than that in group A and C, respectively. The FGF-2 antibody and 尾 -catenin antibody of Achilles tendon in group C were higher than those in the other two groups, but EPCAM antibody was significantly lower than that in the other two groups. Conclusion: 1. Nanometer curcumin can inhibit inflammation. 2. Nanometer curcumin has the function of preventing tendon adhesion. Nanocrystalline curcumin can promote endogenous healing of tendon


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