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发布时间:2018-07-07 19:20

  本文选题:膝内翻 + 膝外翻 ; 参考:《重庆医学》2017年17期

【摘要】:目的利用3D打印技术研制个体化膝部体外导板,探讨其应用于8字钢板骨骺阻滞术的可行性。方法对2014年1月至2016年1月该院诊治的12例膝内外翻患儿(男7例,女5例;平均年龄8.2岁,膝关节伸直位时完成下肢连续螺旋CT扫描,将Dicom格式存储的CT数据导入Mimics 15.0中,重建膝关节三维模型。将重建后的膝关节数据以.stl格式导入Geomagic 11.0软件中,根据置钉不穿破骨骺和关节面、与骨骺平行、位于骨骺前后中线的要求,设计出8字钢板置钉导航模板;利用3D打印技术打印出导航模板;术中通过模板定位,行8字钢板及螺钉内固定,术后CT评估置钉位置。结果经过影像学验证,应用3D打印个体化体外导板对12例患者行8字钢板骨骺阻滞术,置钉准确。病例随访6个月至2年,均取得满意矫形效果。结论 3D打印制作个体化膝部体外导板,辅助8字钢板骨骺阻滞治疗儿童膝内外翻畸形,置钉位置精准,疗效满意。
[Abstract]:Objective to study the feasibility of using 3 D printing technique to develop an external guide plate for 8-character plate epiphysis block. Methods from January 2014 to January 2016, 12 patients (male 7, female 5) with knee varus were treated in our hospital. The average age was 8.2 years old, and the CT scan of lower extremity was completed when the knee joint was straight, and the CT data stored in Dicom format were imported into Mimics 15.0. Reconstruction of three-dimensional model of knee joint. The reconstructed knee joint data were imported into Geomagic 11.0 software in the format of .stl. According to the requirement that the nail was not broken through the epiphysis and the articular surface, and was parallel to the epiphysis and was located in the central line of the epiphysis, the 8-character plate nail placement navigation template was designed. The navigation template was printed out by 3D printing technique, and the position of nail was evaluated by CT after operation. Results 12 patients were treated with 8-character plate epiphysis block by 3D printing individualized external guide plate. The nail placement was accurate. The patients were followed up for 6 months to 2 years and satisfactory orthopedic effect was achieved. Conclusion 3D printing is an external guide plate for the treatment of deformity of the knee in children with 8-character plate epiphysis block. The placement of nail is accurate and the curative effect is satisfactory.
【作者单位】: 云南省昆明市儿童医院骨科;云南省昆明市儿童医院放射科;


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