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发布时间:2018-07-08 15:16

  本文选题:婴儿型纤维肉瘤 + 化疗 ; 参考:《中国肿瘤临床》2017年16期

【摘要】:正患儿男性,7个月。2016年6月无明显诱因发现右上臂肿物,花生大小,逐渐增大,表面皮肤无破溃及流脓。质硬,活动度欠佳,包块边界欠清,其余无不适。2016年9月就诊于深圳市第二人民医院,行B超检查示右上臂不规则低回声包块血供丰富。MRI检查示:右上臂大小约84 mm×35 mm肿物,同周围组织边界不清,神经血管束包绕其中(图1)。入院完善相关检查后,行右上臂肿物穿刺活检术,术后病理示:条索状、小团状肿瘤细胞密
[Abstract]:Male, 7 months. In June 2016, there was no obvious inducement to discover the right upper arm mass, peanut size, increasing gradually, surface skin without rupture and pus. Hard quality, poor activity, unclear boundary of mass, and no discomfort. In September 2016, we were admitted to Shenzhen second people's Hospital. B-ultrasound examination showed that the right upper arm had irregular hypoechoic mass with abundant blood supply. MRI examination showed that the size of the right upper arm was about 84 mm 脳 35 mm, and the right upper arm was about 84 mm 脳 35 mm in size, the right upper arm was about 84 mm 脳 35 mm in size. The border with the surrounding tissue is unclear and the nerve and vascular bundles are enclosed (Fig. 1). Right upper arm tumor puncture biopsy was performed after admission to complete the relevant examination. Postoperative pathology showed that the tumor cells were dense in the form of stripes and small lumps.
【作者单位】: 深圳市第二人民医院骨关节骨肿瘤科;


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