[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the necessity and method of replantation of lateral tissue mass of finger. Methods: from March 2012 to April 2015, a retrospective analysis was performed on 62 patients with complete amputation of finger tissue mass caused by various causes, including 34 males and 28 females, with an average age of 29.1 years (170-52 years). There were 27 cases of thumb, 15 cases of finger, 13 cases of middle finger, 8 cases of ring finger and 2 cases of small finger. Among them, 2 fingers were complicated with injury in 3 cases and 14 cases involved distal interphalangeal joint, the time from injury to treatment was 30 min~2 h (mean 1 h). All patients were treated with emergency replantation. The appearance of finger, the sensation of finger and the recovery of function of affected finger were observed after operation. Results of 62 patients, 58 survived, survival fingers were followed up for 3 ~ 15 months (mean 6.5 months). According to the evaluation criteria of replantation function of upper limb, 52 cases were excellent, 3 cases were good, 3 cases were fair, according to the evaluation standard of replantation function of the upper limb of the Chinese Medical Association, 52 cases were excellent, 3 cases were good, and 3 cases were fair. The excellent and good rate is 94. 8%. Conclusion: as long as the patient's whole body condition is allowed and the finger body far away from the amputated finger is intact and there are vessels and nerves to be anastomosed, it should be replanted as long as the patient has a good appearance and function after the replantation of the lateral tissue mass of the finger.
【作者单位】: 浙江省台州骨伤医院;
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