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发布时间:2018-08-21 12:00
【摘要】:目的:心脏功能衰竭(Heart Failure,HF)作为各类心血管疾病的终末期,每年呈不断的增长趋势并且患者年轻化。作为治疗心衰的一种有效的方式,人工心脏的研发是世界各国科学家研究的热点,其大致可以分为全人工心脏以及心室辅助装置两种。本文就目前心室辅助装置的研发过程中所面临的问题,其核心元件人工血泵使用机械部件,从而不可避免的导致血液溶血、血栓形成、组织相容性差等问题。而推出现今研发较为新颖的交变磁流体(AC magnetohydrodynami c,AC MHD)人工血泵,其使用洛伦兹力替代机械力推动血液流动,没有机械部件与血液接触,有望彻底解决现有的几代人工血泵组织相容性差、血液溶血、血栓形成不能永久替代心脏工作的问题。方法:本文在中国科学院电工研究所研发的AC MHD人工血泵的基础上对此血泵进行血动力室及电机转换频率等方面优化(中心场强0.9T,电机交变频率为0-80hz),并行进一步的深度研究。使用盐水模拟血液测评修改后的交流磁流体人工血泵的各项性能,调节磁场变化频率(即三相异步电机转速)、NaCl溶液电导率、动力室以及动力室内NaCl溶液高度h,测量记录每一工况下单位时间内示踪粒子运动的圈数和实验前后NaCl溶液的电导率和温度,观察动力室内NaCl溶液的流动情况。根据收集到的资料汇总分析后得出血泵最优工况,将得出的结果分析优化血液泵体装置,为下一步血液动力学的测试分析打好坚实基础。在前面性能测试基础之上,使用离体绵羊血液置于AC MHD血泵血动力室中,在室温条件下(25℃),调节磁场变化频率(即三相异步电机转速)、血液液面高度h经行血液流动性观察研究;使用血常规管采集血液标本分为两组,对照组(无外加磁场),暴露组(交变磁场暴露3小时,h=87mm)分别测试其血液细胞计数、血液粘度变化及通过透射电镜(Transmission electron microscope,T EM)观察血液细胞的超微结构变化。从而得出研发血泵的血液流动性及血细胞理化性质变化的相关资料。结果:血泵盐水性能测试实验:1、因感应电流的轴向路径太低,原本我们所设想近似主动脉直径的环形血动力室(H=20mm,H=40mm),无论改变导电液体电导率或增加外加电机变化频率,其流速均为0。2、导电液体的流速与外加电机变化频率、导电液体的电导率成正比关系,其与血动力室的高度成二次方关系。3、血液泵的最佳工况,当电导率为0.81s/m时,盐水位于纵向高度H=100mm环形通道,外加电机变化频率为65hz左右时,盐水流动性最高为0.0115m/s左右。血泵离体绵羊血相关测试:1、绵羊血液在交流磁流体血泵中(电机变化频率70hz,纵向高度H=100mm环形通道)可以实现持续流动,其流速为2mm/s,流量为1.44ml/h。2、血液细胞经交变磁场暴露后其计数未见明显异常,与对照组相比,白细胞虽有降低,血红细胞及血红蛋白实验前后虽有变化,但(p(29)0.05)。与对照组相比,血小板数量减少(P=0.000(27)0.5)。3、绵羊血液在交变频率70hz,环形通道高度H=100mm时流动。与对照组相比,绵羊血液粘度在经交变磁场运行3h后,全血高切粘度降低,(p=0.006(27)0.05);全血低切粘度降低,p=0.000(27)0.001,有明显统计学意义。全血中切粘度虽然略有增高,但其(p=0.130.05)。相比对照组,血浆粘度值在经过高强度交变磁场时明显下降,(p=0.000(27)0.001)。4、经过高强交变磁场运转后,血液细胞(主要是红细胞)胞质明显较对照组变浅,并且胞质中出现黑色颗粒物串珠样聚集现象。红细胞形态发生明显变化,双凹圆盘状弧度及细胞体积较对照组变大。通过对5000倍随机8张电镜结果正常红细胞计数分析(对照组,43?1.32;暴露组,4?0.15)发现,对照组中典型的双凹圆盘状结构(红色箭头表示)在经过交变磁场暴露后基本消失。结论:1、实验证明交流磁流体血泵的研发可行,完全可以实现血流的持续性流动;2、实验证明此次施行血泵的最优的磁场变化频率为70hz,在此工况下血泵的能量转化最大,并且对血液的影响最小;3、实验证明作为复杂的非牛顿流体的血液在交变磁流体血泵运行后,其血液细胞无明显破坏现象;4、实验证明离体血液在经过交变磁流体血泵运转后,其血液粘度同在其他磁性材料中暴露后呈明显下降趋势;不同的是,因为交变磁场变化的特殊性,其粘度的变化并不是特别明显;5、实验发现,离体绵羊血在经过交流磁流体急性暴露后,其血液细胞(主要是红细胞)结构及内部物质还是发生了变化,其是否会影响血液细胞的功能将为我们预行实验评估的方向。
[Abstract]:Objective: Heart failure (HF), as the end-stage of various cardiovascular diseases, is increasing year by year and the patients are younger. As an effective way to treat HF, the research and development of artificial heart is a hotspot of scientists all over the world, which can be roughly divided into total artificial heart and ventricular assist device. Two kinds of ventricular assist devices are introduced in this paper. The core component of the artificial blood pump is mechanical components, which inevitably leads to hemolysis, thrombosis and poor tissue compatibility. Lorentz force is used instead of mechanical force to promote blood flow. There is no contact between mechanical parts and blood. It is hopeful that the problems of poor histocompatibility, hemolysis and thrombosis of several generations of artificial blood pumps can not replace the heart permanently. Methods: The base of ACMHD artificial blood pump developed by the Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences was studied. On the basis of this blood pump to optimize the hemodynamic chamber and motor conversion frequency (center field strength 0.9T, motor alternating frequency 0-80hz), and further in-depth study. Conductivity, the height of NaCl solution in power room and power room H. Measure and record the number of cycles of tracer particles in each working condition and the conductivity and temperature of NaCl solution before and after experiment. Observe the flow of NaCl solution in power room. According to the collected data, the best working condition of blood pump is obtained. On the basis of the previous performance test, the sheep blood was placed in the AC MHD blood pump power room, and the frequency of magnetic field change (i.e. the speed of three-phase asynchronous motor) was adjusted at room temperature (25 C), and the height of blood level H was transfused through the blood flow. The blood samples were divided into two groups: the control group (without external magnetic field) and the exposed group (with alternating magnetic field exposure for 3 hours, h=87mm). Result: Blood pump salt water performance test experiment: 1. Because the axial path of induction current is too low, the circular hemodynamic chamber (H = 20mm, H = 40mm) which was originally conceived to approximate the diameter of aorta was designed, regardless of changing the conductivity of conductive liquid or increasing the frequency of change of the applied motor. The flow rate of the conductive liquid is proportional to the variation frequency of the applied motor and the conductivity of the conductive liquid. The relationship between the conductive liquid and the height of the blood chamber is quadratic. In vitro sheep blood pump related test: 1. Sheep blood in the alternating magnetic fluid pump (motor frequency 70 hz, longitudinal height H = 100 mm annular channel) can achieve continuous flow, its flow rate is 2 mm / s, flow rate is 1.44 ml / h. Compared with the control group, the number of platelets decreased (P = 0.000 (27) 0.5). 3, sheep blood flowed at alternating frequency 70 Hz and annular channel height H = 100 mm. Whole blood high shear viscosity decreased (p = 0.006 (27) 0.05); whole blood low shear viscosity decreased, P = 0.000 (27) 0.001, with significant statistical significance. The cytoplasm of blood cells (mainly red blood cells) was obviously shallower than that of the control group, and there was a cluster of black particles in the cytoplasm. In dew group, 4?0.15, the typical double-concave disc structure (indicated by red arrow) disappeared after exposure to alternating magnetic field in control group. Conclusion: 1. The experiment proves that the development of alternating magnetic fluid blood pump is feasible, and the continuous flow of blood flow can be realized completely; 2. The experiment proves that the optimal frequency of magnetic field change is 70 hz. Under this condition, the energy conversion of blood pump is the greatest, and the influence on blood is the smallest. 3. Experiments prove that blood as a complex non-Newtonian fluid has no obvious damage to blood cells after the operation of alternating magnetic fluid blood pump. 4. Experiments prove that the blood viscosity of isolated blood after alternating magnetic fluid blood pump operation is the same as that of other magnetism. The change of viscosity of sheep blood was not obvious because of the particularity of alternating magnetic field. 5. It was found that the structure and internal substances of sheep blood cells (mainly red blood cells) were changed after acute exposure to alternating magnetic fluid (AMF), and whether it would affect the blood. The function of liquid cells will advance the direction of experimental evaluation for us.


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