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发布时间:2018-08-26 09:32
[Abstract]:Many people need long or long walks in their daily work and lives, such as nurses, city sanitation workers, hiking enthusiasts, soldiers, etc., for a long time. Long distance walking often leads to physical discomfort and muscle fatigue, which affects their working efficiency and quality of life. Long-term muscle fatigue is the main cause of muscle tissue damage. And muscle tissue damage to the human body motor function damage is irreparable. At present, there are few clinical studies on the treatment of muscle tissue injury in China. Although there are many methods to treat muscle tissue injury, the therapeutic effect is not ideal. Therefore, in order to better protect the human body and improve their working efficiency and quality of life, it is necessary to study a device which is easy to wear and can assist human lower limbs to walk normally. Motion auxiliary function is one of the important application fields of exoskeleton technology. Exoskeleton has the ability to follow the human body's motion process quickly, and provides auxiliary force to human body without changing the human body's motion state, so it has good environmental adaptability. The advantage of sufficient power, the use of exoskeleton to assist human walking will greatly improve the human body's motor function. Europe, America, Japan and other developed countries have been in the field of exoskeleton robot research has a huge investment, and achieved a series of results. However, the research of external bone technology in China is relatively late, the technology is relatively backward, and mostly concentrated in the field of rehabilitation exoskeleton. Therefore, this project will develop a simple structure and easy control of hip assisted exoskeleton system. This paper analyzes the development of exoskeleton at home and abroad, and discusses the characteristics of exoskeleton. According to the actual needs, this design selects the appropriate number of degrees of freedom of exoskeleton, and designs the semi-passive drive system of exoskeleton according to the biomechanics of human motion. The mechanical structure design of hip assisted exoskeleton is completed, which includes the selection and arrangement of the number of degrees of freedom of exoskeleton and the design of connection part between exoskeleton and human body. The exoskeleton drive mechanism is designed as a half passive drive mechanism based on the analysis of the human motion biomechanics of the hip joint. On the basis of the design of exoskeleton mechanism, the motion process simulation of the external skeleton driving mechanism of ADAMS is carried out to verify the effect of the passive drive system. According to the characteristics of the designed semi-passive drive system, a control method of phased control is designed. The SAC control method is used in the rear support phase, the front swing phase and the transition phase, so that the exoskeleton follows the human body. Rely only on passive driving mechanism to provide auxiliary force. The output torque control method is used in the front support phase and the rear swing phase to make the exoskeleton drive motor output appropriate torque and provide auxiliary torque to the human body. In this design, TMS320F2812 is chosen as the processor of exoskeleton control system. The control system designed by DSP chip has the characteristics of high operation speed, and can fully meet the real-time requirements of the control algorithm of exoskeleton system. Finally, the hardware circuit of exoskeleton control system is designed, including DSP minimum system circuit, bipolar H-bridge drive circuit and current detection circuit. Finally, the experimental platform of exoskeleton prototype is built, and the actual effect of SAC controller and output torque controller is verified by experiment.


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