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发布时间:2018-09-13 07:27
[Abstract]:In order to better realize the goal of academic journals serving for academic exchange and dissemination, and also to provide the author and readers with a platform for in-depth discussion of academic issues, in 2017, this journal aims at some academic focal points and hot spots in the field of spinal and spinal cord. Manuscripts of relevant academic topics will be published in the form of special issue (special topic) to show readers the latest academic achievements and research progress of the topic. The first stage of upper cervical spine diseases, specially invited experts: professor Tan Mingsheng; the third stage of spinal endoscopy and digital precision surgery, invited experts: professor Wang Jian; the sixth stage of non-idiopathic spinal deformity, specially invited experts: professor Qian Bangping;


中国重要会议论文全文数据库 前2条

1 孙东升;;后记[A];毛泽东诗词研究丛刊(第一辑)[C];2000年

2 ;简讯[A];《圆明园》学刊第十七期——庆祝中国圆明园学会成立35周年特刊[C];2014年

中国重要报纸全文数据库 前4条

1 记者 张晓楠;北京第二外国语学院发布最新学术成果[N];中国文化报;2011年

2 秦小艳;清华深圳研究生院科学家抗癌新成果上国际名刊[N];新清华;2011年

3 卫辉市博物馆 姚芳;浅谈文博讲解员应具备的基本素质[N];新乡日报;2007年

4 记者 赵宇清;中国力学大会在哈尔滨召开[N];黑龙江日报;2011年




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