[Abstract]:Objective: to find a safe and effective method for the treatment of chronic anal fissure with less trauma, shorter course of treatment, less postoperative complications. Methods: from October 2013 to October 2014, 60 patients with chronic anal fissure were collected. According to the principle of randomness and control, 60 patients were divided into observation group and control group with 30 cases in each group by random digit table method. The observation group was treated with internal sphincter lateral and posterior position clamp release. The control group was treated with posterior release of internal sphincter. To observe and record the postoperative pain (the duration of postoperative anal pain, the degree of anal pain at the first time of dressing change, the degree of anal pain during the first defecation), the difficulty of urination after operation, the bleeding after operation and the infection after operation. Postoperative anal function evaluation, incision healing time, hospital stay and postoperative recurrence were analyzed by SPSS19.0 software. Results: the observation group was superior to the control group in reducing the degree of postoperative anal pain, reducing postoperative dysuria and bleeding, shortening the healing time of incision (P0.05), the duration of postoperative anal pain, postoperative infection, postoperative anal function, and so on. There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of hospitalization time and postoperative recurrence (P0.05); the cure rate of the two groups was 100 and there were no adverse reactions. The difference was not statistically significant (P0.05). Conclusion: the treatment of chronic anal fissure with lateral and posterior internal sphincter clamp release is satisfactory, especially in shortening the healing time of incision and reducing postoperative complications, and has the advantages of small trauma, simple operation, safe and effective. It is worth popularizing in clinic.
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