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发布时间:2018-10-12 07:17
[Abstract]:Objective: to improve the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic pseudocyst by analyzing the cases of pancreatic pseudocyst. Methods: the sex, age, location and size, etiology, clinical manifestation, adjuvant examination and treatment of 76 patients with pancreatic pseudocyst were analyzed retrospectively from January 2010 to October 2015. Results: there were 42 males (55.3%) and 34 females (44.7%) in 76 patients with pancreatic pseudocyst, the maximum age was 78 years old, the minimum age was 19 years old, the average age was (41.5 卤1.5) years old. There were 47 (61.8%) pseudocysts in the pancreatic body and tail, 13 (17.1%) in the pancreatic head and 16 (21.1%) in the pancreatic tail. The maximum diameter of pseudocyst was 18 cm, the minimum diameter was 3.2 cm, and the mean diameter was (6.7 卤0.8) cm.. The etiology of pancreatic pseudocyst included acute pancreatitis in 36 cases (47.4%), pancreatic trauma in 10 cases (13.1%), pancreatic surgery in 4 cases (5.3%) and unknown cause in 3 cases (3.9%). The clinical manifestations of pancreatic pseudocyst included abdominal pain in 66 cases (90.4%), abdominal distension in 48 cases (63.2%), nausea in 37 cases (48.7%), vomiting in 32 cases (42.1%), jaundice in 14 cases (18.4%), chilling fever in 21 cases (27.6%), anorexia in 27 cases (35.5%), weight loss in 33 cases (43.3%), peritonitis in 4 cases (5.3%), abdominal rapid wrapping in 59 cases (77.6%), asymptomatic. All 76 cases of pancreatic pseudocyst were examined with serum amylase, 41 cases (53.9%) were significantly elevated, 32 cases (100%) of pancreatic pseudocyst were examined by amylase, and 53 cases of pancreatic pseudocyst were examined by CEA and CA19-9. The positive rate of B ultrasound and CT was 80.3% (61 / 76) in all patients with PPC, 90.8% (69 / 76) with MRI, 65.6% (21 / 32) with MRI, 86.7% (39 / 45) with MRCP and 19 with ERCP. The positive rate of EUS was 68.4% (13 / 19), and the positive rate was 75% (6 / 8) in 8 cases of PPC. Among the 76 cases of PPC, 13 cases were expected to be treated by observation, 2 cases were lost, 8 cases of pseudocyst disappeared and 3 cases of pseudocyst disappeared, and 3 cases of pseudocyst were obviously reduced and asymptomatic. 24 cases were treated conservatively, 20 cases were cured, 6 cases were cured by percutaneous catheterization, 28 cases were cured by operation, 3 cases were cured by external drainage, 23 cases were cured by internal drainage, 22 cases were cured (5 cases of cyst-stomach anastomosis). Cyst-duodenostomy (n = 2), cyst-jejunostomy (n = 16), jejunostomy (n = 15), cystectomy (n = 2) and endoscopic transgastric drainage (n = 5) were all cured. Conclusion: (1) there is no sex difference in PPC. (2) PPC is more common in middle age (30-50) years old. (3) PPC mostly occurs in the pancreatic body and tail. (4) the most common cause of PPC is acute pancreatitis. (5) the clinical manifestations of PPC patients are not specific. The diagnosis is mainly based on imaging examination. (6) B-ultrasound can be used as the first choice in diagnosing pancreatic PPC, and CT is the most accurate method in diagnosing PPC. (7) the treatment of PPC depends on the size and location of pseudocysts, whether there are complications and underlying diseases, and so on. The principle of individualization should be adopted.


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