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发布时间:2018-10-12 07:35
[Abstract]:Objective: to analyze the etiology, pathogenesis, characteristics, differential diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of perianal endometriosis, so as to explore the diagnosis and treatment of perianal endometriosis. Methods: from January 2006 to January 2016, 17 patients with perianal heterosis were collected and followed up in Nanjing Hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine from January 2006 to January 2016. The publication period is from January 2000 to December 2016. Through the inclusion and exclusion of the criteria to complete the initial screening, remove repeated reports, and then further analysis of the data in the literature to determine whether the literature included. The data were mainly general case, clinical features, treatment and follow-up prognosis. All data were analyzed by descriptive summary. Results: 11 cases were diagnosed as perianal heterosis, 6 cases as perianal abscess and anal fistula. Total resection of anal sphincter was performed in 11 patients who had no involvement of anal sphincter before operation. 6 patients with anal sphincter involved anal sphincter (4 patients with anal fistula), 2 patients without anal fistula underwent complete resection (including partial sphincter), and continued to take contraceptive orally for 3 months after operation. 4 patients with anal fistula were treated with gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH-a) for 3 months. After stopping the treatment, 3 cases recurred, 1 case refused to take contraceptive to control the symptoms again, 2 cases were resected again. The patients were treated with GnRH for 3 months. No recurrence was found in the follow-up. A total of 67 related articles were included in the study, including 767 patients, 95.7% of them had typical clinical symptoms, 4.3% of them had atypical clinical symptoms, only 8.5% (65 / 767) of the patients had CA-125 examination in serum. Under surgery or ultrasound, 59.2% of the lesions showed single lesions, 9.7% showed multiple lesions, and the mean diameter of lesions was 2.64cm 卤0.97 cm. All the patients were treated by operation. Among them, 18.1% (13.8 / 767) of the lesions involved anal sphincter, 85.9% (65.9 / 767) of the patients were cured, 1.7% (13 / 767) of the patients were lost, the recurrence rate was about 6.0% (46767), and 40.4% (310 / 767) patients received drug treatment. Conclusion: 1. The clinical incidence of perianal heterosis is low, which may be related to lateral perineal incision (or laceration) during vaginal delivery, intrauterine and / or perineal operation during labor, and poor healing of lateral incision. Other related factors may include age, postpartum menstrual regurgitation and postpartum breast-feeding time, etc. 2. Those with typical symptoms within anus are easy to be diagnosed, and those with atypical symptoms need to be combined with other auxiliary examinations. For example, pelvic ultrasound, MRI or puncture cytology are helpful in the diagnosis of perianal heterosis. At present, the main treatment for perianal heterosis is complete resection of the tumor and the involvement of the anal sphincter before or after the operation. Drug therapy is mainly estrogen and progesterone therapy, other methods include oral or reserved enema of Chinese medicine, acupuncture therapy and so on. 4. The recurrence of perianal heterosis may be related to the unclear diagnosis before operation, resulting in incomplete excision of the lesion. Care should be taken to evaluate anus function during recurrent reoperation to avoid fecal incontinence.


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