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发布时间:2018-10-12 15:32
[Abstract]:Knee joint is very important for human body because its structure and function is very complex and it is the largest pulley joint. In daily life, work, labor, especially in sports, knee joint plays a very important role. In ball games, track and field and other sports events, the posture is improper, the center of gravity is unstable, the load is overweight, the preparation movement is insufficient and the lower extremity muscle group fatigue and so on the reason and so on often causes the knee joint injury and then causes the lower extremity dysfunction and even the lower extremity paralysis; The controlled muscles around the knee joint determine the safety of the knee joint. Therefore, the study of the controlled muscle group of the knee joint will have a profound impact on the fields of rehabilitation medicine, pathological diagnosis, sports science and physical education, etc. It is of direct significance to prevent knee joint strain and disease. In order to study the controlling muscle group of knee joint, it is necessary to collect the movement information of the muscle group during exercise. The collection and analysis based on EMG signal can only describe the neuromuscular movement to some extent. Although EMG signals are obtained by pricking the muscle body into the muscle fibers with needle electrodes, the surface electrodes used to collect surface EMG signals have improved in terms of non-traumatic and non-side effects, etc. However, both EMG signals and surface EMG signals are easily affected by the human body's own electrical conductivity, ECG signals, body temperature changes and individual physical differences. Besides, the EMG signals themselves are very weak and the spectrum distribution is very narrow. Information collection is often lack of reliability and consistency, and the acquisition process requires expensive equipment and quiet environment, so it is difficult to collect and monitor in real motion process. In view of the fact that the current research of collecting muscle group information is limited to the current situation of EMG signal and surface EMG signal, a new method is proposed in this paper: to collect the piezoelectric information of knee joint control muscle group in all directions during the motion process. The mechanical kinematics parameters of the muscle group were obtained accurately to reveal the biomechanical characteristics and dynamics of the knee joint controlled muscle group quantitatively. In this paper, the electrical information acquisition sensor of knee joint control muscle group based on PVDF is designed and fabricated. The PVDF piezoelectric film has the advantages of light weight, soft, extremely thin, impact and corrosion resistance, and is especially suitable for working in dynamic environment. Through the comparison of test and simulation, the cantilever beam of the sensor is finally adopted circular simply supported cantilever structure. The signal conditioning circuit is developed for the performance of the sensor, and the performance of the sensor is tested: the pressure signal is between 500N-1500N and the sensor has good output, the excitation frequency is controlled around 750Hz, the sensor response frequency with the minimum deviation will be obtained. If the excitation frequency is lower than 6Hz or higher than 2000 Hz, the deviation of sensor response frequency will exceed 5. The clinical anatomy of knee joint was studied and the sensor array arrangement was designed. The dynamic test of squat motion shows that the method is economical, reliable and practical, and can effectively collect and monitor the electrical information of knee joint control muscle group during human motion.


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