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发布时间:2018-10-23 18:50
【摘要】:目的: 本文通过对正常成年人、扁平足、拇外翻患者的足底压力进行研究,,进一步充实国人数据库,为临床的诊治及康复治疗提供参考依据。 方法: 本研究采用Footscan usb-0.5m压力分布平板测试系统,0.5米测试平板固定于6m长的EVA步道上,嘱实验对象反复缓慢匀速行走于EVA步道上10次,取每足5组数据均值作为1组数据。将足底分为10个区域,观察各区域间变化趋势,进行组内、组间对比。 结果: 1.正常人双足在End Time、Max F、Loadrate、Impulse、Max P方面无统计学差异(P>0.05); 在Contact area方面,于第1、2、3、4跖骨头处左足<右足,在第5跖骨头、第1足趾处左足>右足,存在统计学差异(P0.05)。 2.正常人跖骨头处的着地顺序为M4→M5→M3→M2→M1,M4、M5之间无统计学差异(P>0.05),其余跖骨头之间均存在统计学差异(P<0.05)。 3.正常人组的Max F构成百分比足跟与2、3跖骨头各占26.8%、11.67%、11.34%。 结论: 1.在行走向前推进的过程中,重心更倾向于右前足。 2.跖骨头处着地顺序为由外侧向内侧。 3.第2、3跖骨头在人体负重中的作用不可忽视,应尽量避免行跖骨头切除术。 4.扁平足能增加拇外翻发生几率,因此对于轻度扁平足亦不能忽视,应尽早治疗,及时预防。
[Abstract]:Objective: to study the plantar pressure of normal adults, flat feet and hallux valgus in order to enrich Chinese database and provide reference for clinical diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. Methods: in this study, the Footscan usb-0.5m pressure distribution flat plate test system was used. The 0.5-meter test plate was fixed on the 6m long EVA track, and the subjects were told to walk on the EVA track 10 times at a slow and uniform speed again and again. The mean values of 5 groups of data per foot were taken as one group of data. The plantar was divided into 10 regions. Results: 1. There was no statistical difference between the two feet in End Time,Max Fer Loadratei Impulse Max P (P > 0. 05), but in Contact area, the left foot was lower than the right foot at the first metatarsal head, the fifth metatarsal head, the first toe left foot > the right foot, and there was a statistical difference (P0.05). The landing order of metatarsal head in normal subjects was that there was no significant difference between M4 / M5 / M3 / M1M4M5 and other metatarsal heads (P > 0.05). 3. The percentage of Max F composition in normal subjects was 26. 8% and 11. 67%, respectively, and that of metatarsal heads was 26. 8% and 11. 34%, respectively. Conclusion: 1. In the course of moving forward, the center of gravity is more inclined to the right forefoot. 2. 2. The order of landing at the head of the metatarsal is from lateral to medial. The role of the second metatarsal head in the body load should not be ignored, should be avoided as far as possible to avoid metatarsal head resection. 4. Flat foot can increase the probability of hallux valgus, so for mild flat foot can not be ignored, should be treated as soon as possible, timely prevention.


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