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发布时间:2018-11-04 08:45
[Abstract]:Objective: to study the effect of 3D print drilled guide plate assisted spinal screw placement with severe deformities in congenital scoliosis, and to compare the accuracy of nail placement between the two groups. Methods: 66 cases of congenital scoliosis with complete preoperative and postoperative CT, were selected from patients with congenital scoliosis treated in our hospital before December 2015. Five of the patients were women and three were men. Their preoperative CT data were imported into the computer. The deformed vertebrae with obvious deformities and their adjacent vertebrae were selected for 3D modeling. The corresponding simulated bone model and the corresponding 3D printing borehole guide plate were made. In order to simulate the actual operation procedure, 3D print drilling guide plate was used to assist nail placement on the simulated bone model. Then CT scan was performed to evaluate the screw placement and to compare it with the actual CT. Results: with the exception of 4 places which could not make the guide plate due to serious malformation, the other 3 D printed guide boards showed good adaptability. There were 68 screws in each group, including 36 deformities and 32 adjacent vertebrae (non-malformed vertebrae). The pedicle cortex was not broken through in the plate nail group, but only 2 were broken through the pedicle cortex. 49 pedicle screws did not penetrate the osteoclast cortex and 19 perforated the osteoclast cortex in the bare hand nail group. The total accuracy of nail placement in the plate group was 97.1%, which was significantly higher than that in the bare hand nail group (72.1%). There were 36 screws in each group, 21 pedicle screws were not perforated with osteoclastic cortex, 15 were perforated with osteoclast cortex, 34 were not perforated with osteoclastic cortex, and 2 were perforated by plate nail. The accuracy rate of deformable vertebrae nailing in the guide plate group was 94.4, which was significantly better than that in the bare hand nail group (58.3%). Conclusion: 1. This type of 3D print drilled guide plate assisted with congenital scoliosis surgical deformity screw placement, its nail placement accuracy is high, and better than the unarmed nail placement accuracy. 2. This type of 3D print drilled guide can be applied to most deformed vertebrae, but may require selective avoidance of malformed vertebrae that hinder the effective chimera between the guide plate and the bone surface.


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