[Abstract]:By comparing the creep characteristics of two segments of lumbar vertebrae before and after anterior fusion, the effects of fusion on the viscoelasticity of lumbar spine under daily static loading were studied. The lumbar vertebrae of 10 groups of L3-L5 adult goats were made, and the fusion group were treated with anterior fusion with steel plate. The compression load of 0.4 Mpa was applied on the upper surface of L3 for 30 min, to simulate the lumbar vertebrae force in the sitting position or upright state of human body. The creep curves of the samples before and after fusion were observed and the viscoelastic parameters were calculated by fitting the creep curves. Compared with the intact spinal column, the global creep deformation of the fusion group decreased significantly, and the overall elastic properties of the fusion group increased significantly, including the rapid response stiffness S1 and the slow response stiffness S2. After fusion, the viscosity parameter 蟿 2 of the whole sample decreased significantly, in which the viscosity parameter of slow response significantly decreased, and the viscosity parameter 蟿 1 of rapid response showed no significant difference. The displacement of the fusion samples decreased significantly, including slow response displacement L S-12, elastic response displacement L SE-1, fast response displacement L S-11, and equilibrium displacement and equilibrium time decreased significantly. The rapid and slow responses correspond to bone tissue and disc tissue, respectively. After fusion, the intervertebral disc was replaced by steel plate, which resulted in the decrease of the whole viscosity and the increase of the stiffness. The creep deformation of the specimen decreased significantly because of the increase of the stiffness. The decrease of equilibrium time and equilibrium displacement indicates that the whole buffer capacity decreases after fusion, but the buffer load of adjacent segments increases.
【作者单位】: 北京航空航天大学生物与医学工程学院;
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