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发布时间:2019-04-09 06:36
[Abstract]:Background and objective in order to improve the size and shape of women's breasts caused by soft tissue loss due to all kinds of reasons, it affects the beauty of body and the lack of psychological self-confidence. Breast augmentation has been widely used as one of the most common operations in plastic surgery. Compared with skin flap transplantation and prosthesis implantation, autogenous fat particle transplantation has many advantages, such as rich source, easy access, simple operation, small trauma, good plasticity, good biocompatibility without any reaction, and so on, which has the advantages of rich source, easy access, simple operation, small trauma, good plasticity and good biocompatibility. More easily accepted by patients. However, the appearance of complications after autologous fat particle transplantation and the imaging changes after transplantation affect the diagnosis of other diseases of the breast, especially tumor diseases, which are still the main factors limiting its wide application. The aim of this paper is to screen, analyze, compare and summarize the published literature through a systematic review. The average rate of complications and the changes of imaging examination in patients with breast augmentation after autologous fat transplantation were summarized and evaluated, and the possible means and methods to effectively reduce the complications and imaging changes were discussed in order to find out the possible means and methods for reducing the complications and imaging changes effectively. Methods the PUBMED (1938-2014) literature database was searched by computer to collect all clinical reports of autogenous fat breast augmentation. According to the papers and abstracts obtained, further screening was carried out and the data were extracted for systematic review and evaluation. Results from 1938 to 2014, a total of 3037 cases were included in 15 studies. There were statistical heterogeneity among the complications in the studies (P0.1, I ^ 2 = 93.1%), so the random effect model was used to analyze the complications. The incidence of clinical complications after autologous fat augmentation was 12.05% [95%CI (7.47%); 19.51%), including 145 cases (56.0%) with palpable masses, 69 cases (26.6%) with fat necrosis and liquefaction in transplanted areas, 17 cases (6.6%) with cellulitis caused by surgical infection, etc. There were 14 cases (5.4%) of skin sensory retardation, 12 cases (4.6%) of hematoma and 2 cases (0.8%) of pneumothorax. The incidence of postoperative malignant tumor was 0.16%, and the change rate of postoperative imaging examination was 13.17%. Among them is liquid cyst, nodule is dominant. Conclusion according to this study, we can find that there are still some complications and imaging changes after breast augmentation with autologous fat transplantation. Among them, the complications associated with fat liquefaction necrosis and the changes of postoperative imaging examination are the most common problems after breast augmentation with autologous fat transplantation. Therefore, for patients with simple breast augmentation or breast reconstruction after tumor resection, The safety of autologous fat transplantation, the short-term and long-term complications after fat transplantation and the change rate of imaging are directly related to the fat survival rate after fat transplantation. Therefore, to improve the survival rate of graft fat is considered to reduce the rate of postoperative complications and imaging changes. However, the incidence of primary and recurrent breast tumors after operation was not higher than that of patients who had not undergone breast augmentation with autologous fat transplantation.


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