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发布时间:2019-05-29 16:59
[Abstract]:With the development of information society and the continuous change of human lifestyle, the number of long-term cases is increasing, and the prevalence of cervical spondylosis is increasing year by year. Some studies have even found that the age of onset of cervical spondylosis began to show a younger trend, which has attracted much attention in recent years. However, for the nomenclature, definition, classification and treatment of cervical spondylosis, the medical profession has different understandings and understandings in different periods. Therefore, in order to better understand cervical spondylosis, it is very important to understand the historical evolution of cervical spondylosis research. This paper reviews the historical evolution of cervical spondylosis in terms of nomenclature and definition, classification and treatment of cervical spondylosis.
【作者单位】: 南方医科大学中医药学院骨伤教研室;


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