[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the effect of different pumping rates of norepinephrine (NE) on cesarean section under combined spinal and epidural anesthesia. Methods from October 2016 to September 2017, 132 parturients undergoing cesarean section were randomly divided into control group (n = 33), NE_1 group (n = 33), NE_2 group (n = 33) and NE_3 group (n = 33). According to the actual situation of parturients, NE.NE_1 group, NE_2 group and NE_3 group were continuously injected with norepinephrine at a rate of 0.03, 0.04,0.05 渭 g / (kg 路min).), respectively. The incidence of hypotension, hypertension, nausea and vomiting in the four groups was compared, and the neonatal postbirth 1 and 5 min Apgar scores were compared. Results compared with NE_1 group, NE_2 group and NE_3 group, the incidence of hypotension and nausea and vomiting in control group was significantly higher than that in NE_1 group and NE_2 group (P 0.05). Compared with NE_1 group and NE_2 group, the incidence of hypotension in NE_3 group was significantly higher than that in control group, NE_1 group and NE_2 group (P 0.05). There was no significant difference in 5 min Apgar scores among the four groups (P 0.05). Conclusion continuous infusion of NE is superior to single remedial administration in cesarean section, and has little effect on mother and infant, and the pumping rate of 0.04 渭 g / (kg 路min) is ideal.
【作者单位】: 西安医学院第二附属医院麻醉科
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