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发布时间:2019-06-14 04:51
【摘要】:目的:评估在全麻手术期间应用T-Line300监测连续无创动脉血压与有创动脉血压的一致性。方法:术中需行有创血压监测的择期全麻手术患者29例,每间隔15min同步记录一组由T-line 300测得的无创动脉血压和由桡动脉或足背动脉置管测得的有创血压。术中给予去氧肾上腺素或酚妥拉明治疗低血压或高血压的患者,给药前即刻及给药后10min内,每间隔1min同步记录一组无创血压和有创血压值。用Bland-Altman分析评价两种测量方法结果的一致性,四象限散点图观察T-Line300监测血压变化趋势的能力。结果:27位患者,1381对无创动脉血压和有创血压(SAP、DAP各465对,MAP 451对)进入最后的统计学分析。SAP、DAP、MAP的平均误差(bias±sd)分别为-5.8±14.5、4.2±11.4、2.1±10.1 mm Hg。应用血管活性药物后,连续无创血压的变化值与有创血压变化值之间的相关系数分别为△SAP:0.5479、△DAP:0.5805、△MAP:0.5277。结论:T-Line300用于全麻手术病人能提供较准确的SAP、DAP、MAP测量,但其精确性和在血压快速变化时的反应性还有待提高。
[Abstract]:Objective: to evaluate the consistency of continuous noninvasive arterial blood pressure and invasive arterial blood pressure monitored by T-Line300 during general anesthesia. Methods: 29 patients undergoing elective general anesthesia with invasive blood pressure monitoring were enrolled in this study. One group of noninvasive arterial blood pressure measured by T-line 300 and invasive blood pressure measured by radial artery or dorsalis pedis artery catheterization were recorded synchronously in each septum 15min. Patients with hypotension or hypertension were treated with norepinephrine or phentolamine during operation. A group of noninvasive blood pressure and invasive blood pressure were recorded immediately before and after administration of 10min. Bland-Altman analysis was used to evaluate the consistency of the results of the two methods, and the ability of T-Line300 to monitor the changing trend of blood pressure was observed by four-quadrant scatter plot. Results: 1381 pairs of noninvasive arterial blood pressure and 1381 pairs of invasive blood pressure (SAP,DAP 465 pairs, MAP 451 pairs) entered the final statistical analysis. The average error (bias 卤SD) of SAP and DAP,MAP was-5.8 卤14.5, 4.2 卤11.4, 2.1 卤10.1 mm Hg., respectively. After the application of vasoactive drugs, the correlation coefficients between the change of continuous noninvasive blood pressure and the change of invasive blood pressure were SAP:0.5479, DAP:0.5805, MAP:0.5277., respectively. Conclusion: T-Line300 can provide accurate SAP,DAP,MAP measurement in patients undergoing general anesthesia, but its accuracy and responsiveness to rapid change of blood pressure still need to be improved.


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