[Abstract]:Objective to study the characteristics and changes of nasal aerodynamics in patients with hollow nose syndrome (A-(Empty Nose Syndrome-Inferior Turbinate, ENS-IT) and middle nose (A-(Empty Nose Syndrome-Middle Turbinate, ENS-MT). The mechanism of ENS was studied from the angle of nasal aerodynamics. Methods thin slice computed tomography (Computed Tomography, CT) images of nasal cavity and sinuses were obtained in 7 healthy adult males. According to the normal CT images, the nasal cavity structures after bilateral complete inferior turbinectomy and bilateral middle turbinectomy were constructed to simulate ENS-IT and ENS-MT nasal cavity respectively. The boundary extraction and meshing of the air flow field in the nasal cavity and sinuses of ENS-IT, ENS-MT were performed. The steady state, laminar flow model was selected to calculate the aerodynamic parameters (air velocity, pressure, flow distribution, trace and shear force distribution) in the flow field of normal ENS-IT,ENS-MT nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Compared with the normal nasal aerodynamics parameters, the variation trend of ENS-IT and ENS-MT nasal aerodynamics parameters was obtained. Outcome 1. Compared with normal physiological state, ENS-MT: (1) suction: nasal resistance decreased, the velocity of middle and posterior nasal cavity generally decreased, and the velocity distribution of sagittal nasal cavity was similar to that of normal nasal cavity. The airflow trace, flow rate distribution and shear force distribution are relatively small with the normal difference. The velocity of sphenopalatine ganglia in some subjects was larger than normal. (2) expiratory phase: the velocity of airflow in sphenopalatine ganglia was higher than normal. The rest of the variation trend coincided with inspiratory phase. 2. Compared with normal physiological state, ENS-IT: (1) suction: nasal resistance decreased more obviously, the pressure of nasal vestibule to inferior turbinate head decreased smoothly, the velocity of flow decreased more widely, the inferior turbinate head and the middle and posterior nasal cavity were more obvious. In some of the subjects, new vortices appeared in the nasal cavity (original) inferior nasal meatus; the central and upper parts of the middle and upper parts of the inferior turbinate were concentrated in the direction of air flow; and the larger shear force area was narrowed. (2) expiratory phase: the change trend of nasal fluid field in 7 cases was similar to that of inspiratory. Conclusion 1. After bilateral complete inferior turbinectomy, the flow field of nasal cavity can be changed significantly. After bilateral middle turbinectomy, the velocity of sphenopalatine ganglia increased significantly, which might be related to respiratory-related headache. Therefore, in both sides, radical resection of inferior turbinate should be cautious. 2. Nasal aerodynamics study is a powerful tool for predicting postoperative nasal fluid flow. The occurrence of 3.ENS is the result of multiple factors, and the change of nasal aerodynamics is related to the occurrence of ENS. It is necessary to establish the further relationship between the clinical manifestation of nasal cavity and the change of nasal fluid field in the follow-up study. 4. In bilateral, after inferior turbinectomy, there was a similar trend of nasal fluid flow in the same area and between different individuals of the same race.
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