[Abstract]:[Objective] 1. To evaluate the effect of nasal dilation in patients with OSAHS with low-ventilation syndrome (OSAHS) before and after nasal dilation, and to evaluate the effect of nasal dilation.2. To evaluate the main objective index of the treatment of OSAHS in patients with OSAHS, and to evaluate the clinical significance of nasal dilation.3. The method of diagnosis and treatment of OSAHS patients, including the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and the expansion of the nasal cavity, is used to analyze the cost-benefit and optimize the treatment strategy. [Methods] 1. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the airway CT images was performed before and after the operation of 36 patients with OSAHS, and the cross-sectional area of the nasal cavity, the volume of the nasal cavity and the surface area of the mucosa and the thickness of the soft tissue of the posterior wall of the pharynx were measured. [Results] 1. The results of three-dimensional reconstruction of the patients with severe OSAHS were significantly increased, the volume was significantly increased, the area of the nasal cavity and the area-to-volume ratio (SAVR) decreased significantly before the operation, and it was close to the normal level.2. The thickness of the soft tissue in the posterior wall of the patients with severe OSAHS was significantly lower than that before operation. [Conclusion] 1. The nasal cavity expansion can obviously increase the cross-sectional area of the nasal cavity of the patients with OSAHS, the effective ventilation volume of the nasal cavity, decrease the surface area of the nasal cavity and the volume ratio of the nasal cavity to relieve the nasal stenosis.
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