[Abstract]:Objective: coronary flow reserve fraction (Fractional Flow Reserve,FFR) is a reference index for evaluating functional stenosis of coronary artery. This study will compare the prognosis of patients after PCI under the guidance of traditional coronary angiography and PCI under the guidance of blood flow reserve fraction, and explore the effect of FFR on adverse cardiovascular events in patients treated with PCI. Methods: from October 2012 to April 2014, the patients who were first diagnosed as chronic stable angina pectoris of coronary heart disease in the Department of Cardiology, the second affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, were enrolled in the study. In 110 consecutive patients with localized lesions of single vessel, the diameter of the lesion was between 70% and 85%, and the reference diameter of the lesion was more than 2.5 mm. The patients were divided into two groups: PCI group (n = 89) without PCI after coronary angiography, FFR group (n = 21), and FFR group (n = 21). The second group was further divided into two subgroups. If the patients received further stent implantation after FFR evaluation, the patients were FFR positive group (FFR-Y group, n = 11). If the patients underwent FFR, no further stent implantation therapy was performed. FFR negative group (FFR-N group, n = 10). Clinical events will be compared in groups after 12 months of follow-up. Results: in the comparison between PCI group and FFR group, one case of MACE occurred in PCI group, which was unexplained death during follow-up period. The incidence of MACE was 1.12% in vs.FFR group. In PCI group, there were 4 cases of in-hospital end-point events, including 3 cases of ST segment depression in target vessel-related leads and 1 case of T-wave inversion. The incidence of T-wave inversion was 4.49% vs.0.00%;. In PCI group, 14 cases of cardiovascular events occurred during follow-up period, including 7 cases of recurrent angina pectoris, 7 cases of target vessel-related lead ST-T changes in out-patient Holter, and 1 case of recurrent angina pectoris in FFR group. In the 15.73%vs.4.76%.FFR-Y group, no MACE occurred at the end of the follow-up period of 12 months, and no in-hospital / follow-up end-point events occurred. But there was no significant difference between P0.05.FFR group and PCI group. Compared with PCI group, the incidence of in-hospital end-point event and out-of-hospital end-point event in FFR group was lower than that in PCI group, in PCI group compared with FFR-Y and FFR-N subgroups, respectively. The incidence of in-hospital end-point events and out-of-hospital end-point events in FFR-Y and FFR-N groups were lower than those in PCI group. Conclusion: compared with PCI under the guidance of traditional coronary angiography, the use of FFR in the treatment of critical lesion PCI has a tendency to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular adverse events.
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