发布时间:2019-06-20 12:55
[Abstract]:Objective: With the development of science and technology and the improvement of people's living standard, the incidence of chronic non-communicable diseases due to the way of life is increasing year by year, among which cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are the most common, causing serious economic loss and life harm. At the same time, the trend of population aging is increasing, and the influence of physical activity on the CIMT of the middle-aged and elderly people is explored. Further explore the protective effect of dietary nutrition and physical activity on the function of the blood vessel, delay the aging of the blood vessel, and actively prevent the occurrence and development of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Method: The study population is selected from the group selected from the group selected from June 1,2016 to December 31,2016 and the health management section of Guangzhou South Hospital on the basis of the questionnaire design according to the dietary guidelines for the Chinese residents 2016> and the 【学位授予单位】:南方医科大学
[Abstract]:Objective: With the development of science and technology and the improvement of people's living standard, the incidence of chronic non-communicable diseases due to the way of life is increasing year by year, among which cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are the most common, causing serious economic loss and life harm. At the same time, the trend of population aging is increasing, and the influence of physical activity on the CIMT of the middle-aged and elderly people is explored. Further explore the protective effect of dietary nutrition and physical activity on the function of the blood vessel, delay the aging of the blood vessel, and actively prevent the occurrence and development of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Method: The study population is selected from the group selected from the group selected from June 1,2016 to December 31,2016 and the health management section of Guangzhou South Hospital on the basis of the questionnaire design according to the dietary guidelines for the Chinese residents 2016> and the
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