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发布时间:2018-08-15 17:32
【摘要】: 随着基础教育课程改革的深入,聋儿早期语言康复课程也逐渐成为该领域备受关注和重视的研究问题之一。聋儿早期语言康复工作意义重大,它关系到聋儿最终是否融入主流社会,与正常儿童一样学习、生活和工作。因此在实践操作层面上构建一套完整、系统的并且适合聋儿身心发展特征的早期语言康复课程,是促进聋儿语言发展的必然要求,是当前聋儿早期语言康复实践中需要解决的关键问题,也是聋儿早期语言康复事业能否全面发展的迫切需要。 目前我国在此领域的研究较少,研究者很少从理论层面对聋儿早期语言康复课程做系统的探讨,该课程的开发实验尚不普遍。大多数聋康机构和聋校系统在开发聋儿早期语言康复课程的过程中表现出照抄普通幼儿园课程的问题。基于以上问题,本文立足于实践,以聋儿语言康复为主线,试图从实践操作层面全面探究聋儿早期语言康复课程之开发,以期为该课程的塑造提供参照。 本文主要从三个部分展开: 第一部分是研究背景。该部分分析了聋儿早期语言康复课程、课程开发等基本核心概念、概述了研究思路与意义,以及对聋儿早期语言康复课程开发的研究现状。 第二部分主要探讨了聋儿早期语言康复课程的开发,首先论述了聋儿早期语言康复课程开发的理论基础,在此基础上研究课程目标的设置,课程内容的选择与编排,课程的实施及课程的评价。 第三部分对聋儿早期语言康复课程进行了实证研究,证明了本研究所开发的课程是有效的。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the basic education curriculum reform, the early language rehabilitation curriculum for deaf children has gradually become one of the most concerned and important research issues in this field. The rehabilitation of deaf children's early language is of great significance. It relates to whether deaf children are integrated into mainstream society and study, live and work as normal children. Therefore, constructing a set of complete, systematic and suitable early language rehabilitation courses for deaf children on the practical level is an inevitable requirement to promote the development of deaf children's language. It is a key problem to be solved in the practice of early speech rehabilitation of deaf children, and it is also an urgent need for the all-round development of the cause of early language rehabilitation of deaf children. At present, there are few researches in this field in our country. Researchers seldom discuss the early language rehabilitation course of deaf children from the theory level, and the development experiment of this course is not universal. Most deafness institutions and school systems show the problem of copying the ordinary kindergarten curriculum in the course of developing the early language rehabilitation curriculum for deaf children. Based on the above problems, this paper tries to explore the development of the early language rehabilitation course of deaf children from the practical operation level, based on the practice and the main line of language rehabilitation of deaf children, in order to provide a reference for the shaping of the course. This paper mainly starts from three parts: the first part is the research background. This part analyzes the basic core concepts such as the curriculum of early language rehabilitation and curriculum development of deaf children, and summarizes the research ideas and significance, as well as the present situation of research on the curriculum development of early language rehabilitation for deaf children. The second part mainly discusses the development of the curriculum of early language rehabilitation for deaf children. Firstly, it discusses the theoretical basis of the curriculum development of early language rehabilitation for deaf children. On this basis, it studies the setting of curriculum objectives, the selection and arrangement of curriculum contents. Curriculum implementation and curriculum evaluation. The third part makes an empirical study on the early speech rehabilitation course of deaf children, which proves that the course developed by this research is effective.


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