[Abstract]:Objective Transcription factor Mathl induces the transformation of Sertoli cells into new hair cells. 1) In this study, the morphological changes of Sertoli cells into new hair cells were described and compared with those of normal hair cells by using specific markers related to normal hair cells. (3) We compared the function of new hair cells with that of normal hair cells in order to find out whether they have the function of normal hair cells.
Methods The cochlear organs of neonatal SD rats were cultured in vitro at 3 days after birth. The experimental group was transfected with Ad5-EGFP-Mathl and EGFP-Mathl by adenovirus. The control group was transfected with EGFP only. Immunofluorescence staining was used to identify whether there were new hair cells and to describe the process of transdifferentiation. Secondly, Brdu incorporation was used to explore the mechanism of the transformation of Sertoli cells into new hair cells. Then, we tested the ability of newborn hair cells to absorb the ototoxic drug neomycin, FM1-43, to verify the existence of the characteristic mechanical gated channels; finally, we used Patch Clamp technology, at different time points on the newborn hair cells of various channel currents, action potential and the characteristic mechanical gated pass. The changes of channel current at different time and related kinetic analysis verify that the new hair cells induced by Math1 have the function of normal hair cells.
Results (1) On the third day after cochlear tissue was transfected with Ad5-EGFP-Mathl, Myosin VIIA positive cells began to appear in the small epithelial ridge area, Myosin VIIA positive cells appeared in the large epithelial ridge area after transfection, and calcium buffering proteins such as Calbindin, Calmodulin, Calretinin and PMCA2 were used as specific markers of hair cells. Phlloidin staining showed a cluster of stationary cilia-like structures on the top of the newly formed hair cells; these phenomena did not occur in the large and small epithelial ridge areas of the control cochlea; (2) Brdu incorporation experiment showed that the transformation of the supporting cells into the new hair cells was direct, independent of the differentiation process. In addition, the expression level of Math1 was the key factor to induce hair cell differentiation; 3. 1 mM ototoxic drug neomycin could cause the death of ectopic hair cells; 5 days after Math1 transfection, some of the new hair cells began to have the ability to uptake FM1-43, which indirectly indicated that hair cells could be uptaken through a mechanical gated channel. Two days after Mathl transfection, the sodium current was expressed in the new hair cells, and the current density reached the maximum on the fifth day, then decreased gradually; the supporting cells in the control group did not express sodium current; _Three days after Mathl transfection, the calcium current began to express in the new hair cells, and the current density increased gradually with time in the control group; The Sertoli cells did not express calcium currents; _Five days after Mathl transfection, the new hair cells expressed delayed potassium rectifier which was rapidly inactivated, and then showed delayed potassium rectifier which was basically inactivated, and the current density increased gradually; while the control group only expressed delayed potassium rectifier which was not inactivated continuously. _Five days after Mathl transfection, HCN currents were expressed in the new hair cells, and the current density gradually decreased with time, then disappeared; _Most of the new hair cells could record evoked action potential, a few of them could record spontaneous action potential: _7 days after Mathl transfection, we recorded the mechanism of the new hair cells. Mechanical gated channel current.
Conclusion The model of ectopic hair cells in neonatal rat cochlea induced by Mattel was successfully established by adenovirus transgene. The new hair cells had normal hair cell-like morphology and expressed many identical specific related proteins. The mechanism of supporting cells transdifferentiation into hair cells was discussed. (4) Newborn hair cells have the ability to absorb the ototoxic drug neomycin, FMl-43, which indirectly indicates the existence of mechanical-gated channels on the cilia of newborn hair cells; (6) The appearance of mechanical-gated channel current indicates that the regenerated hair cells have the characteristics of hair cells. _The orderly appearance of various channel currents and action potentials on the new hair cells simulated the orderly appearance of various ion channel currents in the developing normal hair cells, and confirmed that the new hair cells induced by Mathl were immature, developing and functional hair cells.
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