[Abstract]:Background and purpose
Laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) is currently the mainstream surgery for refractive errors. The procedure involves making a pedicled corneal flap on the cornea with a specially designed mini-corneal lamellar knife. After removing the flap, excimer laser ablation is performed on the exposed corneal stroma bed to correct myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. Keeping the integrity of corneal epithelium and anterior elastic layer, the curative effect is remarkable and the visual acuity recovers quickly after operation. The disadvantage of this operation is that the corneal flap is made on the corneal surface first. The complications caused by the corneal flap made with mini-corneal lamellar knife can not be ignored during the operation. The serious complications affect the visual quality after operation, so the success of the corneal flap. Femtosecond laser is a kind of laser which operates in pulse form and lasts only a few femtoseconds. Femtosecond laser is the shortest pulse that can be obtained under laboratory conditions. At present, the wavelength used in corneal surgery is 1053 nm. In recent years, it has been gradually applied to ophthalmic field, especially in excimer laser surgery, because of its high safety. To study the effect of two different methods of making corneal flap, micro lamellar knife flap and femtosecond laser flap, on visual quality, and to choose the method of making corneal flap clinically The formula has applied value.
To evaluate the visual quality and quality of corneal flap after femtosecond laser flap-making, the effects of two different methods of flap-making were compared.
One hundred patients (200 eyes) with myopia undergoing LASIK were randomly divided into two groups: femtosecond group, lamellar knife group, femtosecond group, corneal flap made by Femto LDV femtosecond laser (Ziemer, Switzerland) and Hansatome lamellar knife group. In addition to the different ways of making corneal flap, the same excimer laser, Technolas 217Z100, was used for wavefront aberration-guided excimer laser ablation in both groups. The thickness of the actual corneal flap was measured by Fourier domain optical coherence tomography in the anterior segment of the cornea one month after the operation, and the degree of uniformity was measured 1 month after the operation. Zhou, January, March reviewed visual acuity, wavefront aberration, and contrast sensitivity.
SPSS16.0 statistical analysis software was used to analyze the experimental data reasonably.
1 Corneal flap measurement: In femtosecond laser group, the actual average thickness of 110 micron corneal flap was 103.54 (-5.60) (88-131) micron, and there was no significant difference between the actual thickness and the expected thickness (P 0.05); the average corneal flap thickness was 102.17 (-4.80) micron in the right eye, 104.42 (-4.97) micron in the left eye and 104.42 (-4.97) micron in the left eye. There was no significant difference between the two groups (P 0.05). In the lamellar knife group, the actual average thickness of 110 micron corneal flap was estimated to be 130.30 + 14.03 (90-158) micron, and the difference between the actual thickness and the expected thickness was statistically significant (P 0.05); the average thickness of the right eye (right eye) was 127.17 + 16.60 micron, and the left eye (left eye) was 109.42 + 16 micron. The difference between.8 and m was statistically significant (P0.05).
2 aberration changes: the total high-order aberration before and after operation in femtosecond laser group, the third-order vertical coma did not change, and there was no significant difference compared with preoperative (P 0.05); different time after operation, the total high-order aberration in the lamellar knife group, the third-order vertical coma increased more than the femtosecond group, the difference was statistically significant (P 0.05); the postoperative spherical aberration, the third-order horizontal coma were all more significant than the femtosecond group. Before operation, the lamellar knife group increased more than the femtosecond group, and the difference was statistically significant (P0.05).
3 Contrast sensitivity changes: In open vision, there was no significant difference in spatial frequency between the two groups at the same time after surgery (P 0.05); in dark vision, femtosecond group was superior to the lamellar knife group at 12.0c/pd and 18.0c/pd one week after surgery, and the difference was statistically significant (P 0.05). Significance of learning (P 0.05); In glare state, there was no significant difference in spatial frequency between the two groups at the same time period (P 0.05); In glare state, the spatial frequency of femtosecond group was better than that of laminar knife group at 1 week after surgery, and the difference was statistically significant (P 0.05). There was no significant difference in spatial frequency between the two groups at 1 month and 3 months after surgery. Meaning (P0.05).
1 femtosecond laser has good predictive accuracy and good repeatability.
2. The high order aberration introduced by femtosecond laser is small.
3 the femtosecond laser flap was better than the lamellar knife group in postoperative contrast sensitivity, and the visual quality was good after operation.
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