[Abstract]:Biologist Rosen said, "Physiological systems are the best Encyclopedia for solving complex problems from an evolutionary point of view." And the human eye, which marvels at the perfection of function, the complexity of fine tissue structure, and the precise coordination of control mechanisms, is "extremely perfect and complex" (Darwin), so to speak, the encyclopedia. Our work is inspired by the retina, the most important tissue in the eye that receives and processes signals.
The complexity of the retina has long been recognized, but the degree of complexity, the layers of the retina, the types of cells in each layer, and the number and distribution of each cell have gradually become clear with the development of anatomy, electrophysiology, and cytomorphology in recent years. A highly realistic retinal computational model was developed to simulate not only the cell types and distributions of the retina, but also the complex hierarchical connections and structures of the retina. The model was faithful to the physiological structure and processing process, and showed the multiple information processing pathways of the retina as a whole. Many experiments can be designed, such as the probability experiment of retinal object detection, the efficiency experiment of retinal object characterization, the equilibrium analysis experiment of retina under multi-conditions (such as accuracy, real-time, energy consumption, computational complexity, etc.).
With this high-fidelity retinal computing model, we can provide a solution to many difficult problems. For example, the design of Artificial Retinal chip. Signal processing requires fast and accurate processing. These constraints conflict with each other and are difficult to balance. But this work is what the retina usually does. The membrane divides the signal into color, brightness, motion and other channels to form internal representation, which greatly reduces the computational complexity while improving the efficiency of representation, and provides a new direction for real-time image representation and processing. Physiological experiments verify physiological hypotheses and presumptions, and propose new problems and directions for physiology and neuroscience, such as verifying information processing pathways, local circuits of neural networks, and even completing experiments that are not possible in vivo.
At present, there are some models to simulate the structure and function of the retina at home and abroad, which can be divided into three types according to their ultimate purpose and field. The first one is oriented to neuroscience. The second one is oriented to computer science applications. The third one is oriented to electronic engineering hardware implementation. In general, the existing retinal models are not only deficient in cell type and quantity, but also in functional and structural simulation of the retina. At present, it is a useful attempt to establish a highly realistic retinal computing model based on the data and results of neurobiology, anatomy, electrophysiology and other disciplines.
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