[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the effect of protein kinase CK2 inhibitor (TBB) on retinal ganglion cells during retinal ischemia reperfusion injury. Methods the rat model of retinal ischemia-reperfusion injury was established by anterior chamber perfusion to increase intraocular pressure. Rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: blank control group (n = 6), positive control group (n = 18), negative control group (n = 6) and experimental group (n = 6). The positive control group was divided into two groups according to the injury time of 2 weeks (6 rats each). The negative control group and the experimental group were injected with DMSO and TBB. in vitreous cavity 15 days after injury. The animals in the positive control group were killed at 1 week 2 weeks after injury, and the negative control group and the experimental group were killed after 3 weeks. The ganglion cells were labeled with retrograde fluorescent gold before death. The retina was separated and the ganglion cells were labeled again by immunofluorescence. The number of ganglion cells labeled by fluorescent gold staining was counted to compare the number of ganglion cells in each group. Results the number of ganglion cells in blank control group was 2626 卤220% mm ~ (2). The number of ganglion cells in the positive control group was 2413 卤1844 / mm ~ (2) (2109 卤1888) / mm ~ (2) 1376 卤123 / mm ~ (2) respectively. There was a significant difference in the number of ganglion cells between the positive control group and the blank control group. The number of ganglion cells in the experimental group and the negative control group were 1865 卤171/mm2 and 1282 卤115mm2, respectively. There was significant difference in the number of ganglion cells between the experimental group and the positive control group C. Conclusion 1. Retinal ischemia-reperfusion can injure retinal ganglion cells. 2. Protein kinase CK2 inhibitor TBB has protective effect on ganglion cells after retinal ischemia-reperfusion injury, suggesting that protein kinase CK2 is involved in the process of ganglion cell injury.
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