[Abstract]:Objective: to evaluate the efficacy of direct ophthalmoscope in the diagnosis and screening of various fundus diseases. Methods: four postgraduates of ophthalmology were trained by direct ophthalmoscope after clinical rotation, and one of them was selected as the direct ophthalmoscope operator at random. From July 2010 to August 2010, 514 volunteers aged 50 or above were recruited in Nanao Island, Shantou City, with a total of 1003 eyes. Direct ophthalmoscope was used to examine and record the fundus of volunteers under small pupil, and 30 掳color fundus photography was performed under dilated pupil. Finally, the fundus was interpreted by a fundus specialist, and the fundus image was taken as the reference standard. To evaluate the results of direct ophthalmoscopy and fundus photography in the diagnosis of glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy, epiretinal membrane, retinitis pigmentosa, and high myopia. Diagnosis of central / branch retinal vein occlusion and age-related macular degeneration. Combined with Kappa value, specificity, diagnostic coincidence rate, area under ROC curve and Logistic regression model, the data were analyzed synthetically. Results: for retinitis pigmentosa, central / branch retinal vein occlusion, direct ophthalmoscope was similar to fundus radiography. The diagnostic efficacy of direct ophthalmoscope and ophthalmography for diabetic retinopathy was similar. Direct ophthalmoscope is similar to fundus radiography in the diagnosis of hypertensive retinopathy, but the diagnostic concomitant conclusion is very weak. Ophthalmoscope was effective in the diagnosis of glaucoma, abnormal retinal membrane and fundus, while fundus radiography was helpful in the diagnosis of high myopia and age-related macular degeneration. Conclusion: trained trainees use direct ophthalmoscope to evaluate fundus lesions and objective fundus photography in the diagnosis of common eye diseases and frequent diseases.
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