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发布时间:2018-10-20 07:24
【摘要】:目的:研究高丽红参对sD大鼠鼓膜内注射庆大霉素引起的耳前庭功能和听力功能损伤的保护作用。 方法:22只7周龄sD大鼠分为对照组和实验组,对照组(n=12):左耳鼓膜内注射庆大霉素(剂量:20ul,浓度:500mg/ml,两天一次,共七次),不执行高丽红参灌胃。实验组:注射庆大霉素前7天开始灌胃高丽红参粉溶液(剂量2ml,500mg/kg,每天一次);第七次高丽红参灌胃后,执行庆大霉素注射,方法同对照组。庆大霉素注射前进行耳前庭功能和听力功能检查,前庭功能检查方法包括:头偏实验,提尾实验,游泳实验,动物跑步机测试。听力检查方法包括:听性脑干反应测试。实验后1天,8天,15天,22天,30天分别进行前庭功能,听力功能检查。第30天检查结束后取大鼠耳蜗前庭器固定,用扫描电镜,共聚焦显微镜观察耳蜗毛细胞,球囊斑,椭圆囊斑毛细胞。结果进行统计学分析。 结果:(1)功能检查:实验前,前庭功能和听力功能检查均正常。试验后第一天对照组:听阈升高至58.3±9.9dB(16赫兹)和57.1±8.7dB(32赫兹),第三十天为45.8±9.5dB(16赫兹)和42.1±9.1dB(32赫兹)。实验组:听阈升高至51.0±10.8dB(16赫兹)和51.0±9.9dB (32赫兹),第三十天为41.0±12.4dB(16赫兹)和37.5±12.9 dB(32赫兹)。结果实验组均低于对照组,但统计学结果没有显著性差异[第一天:P=0.111(16赫兹)和P=0.140(32赫兹);第三十天:P=0.313(16赫兹)和P=0.344(32赫兹)]。前庭功能检查:对照组:头偏实验中,庆大霉素注射结束后第一天3个大鼠出现严重头偏(40℃);4个出现中度头偏(10-40℃);实验组中未出现(P=0.010),统计学有显著性差异。提尾实验中,对照组:4个大鼠出现不能控制的头旋转;实验组中未出现(P=0.039),统计学上有显著性差异。游泳实验中对照组中5个大鼠出现游泳时间延长;实验组中1个大鼠出现游泳时间延长(P=0.135)。形态学检查:耳蜗,前庭毛细胞扫描电镜和共聚焦显微镜检查结果和功能检查结果一致,统计学上耳蜗毛细胞和球囊斑/椭圆囊斑毛细胞计数均有显著差异(P0.01)。 结论:口服高丽红参对单侧鼓膜内注射庆大霉素引起的耳前庭功能损伤有显著的保护作用,对听力损伤有保护作用,但功能评价上统计学意义不显著,形态学评价上有显著保护作用。
[Abstract]:Aim: to study the protective effect of Rhizoma Koryo Red Ginseng on auditory vestibular function and hearing impairment induced by gentamicin injection into the tympanic membrane of sD rats. Methods: 22 7-week-old sD rats were divided into control group and experimental group. Control group (n = 12): gentamicin was injected into the tympanic membrane of left ear (dose: 20ul, concentration: 500mg / ml, twice a day, seven times). Experimental group: 7 days before the injection of gentamicin, gavage of Koryo Red Ginseng powder solution (2 ml / 500 mg / kg, once a day), the seventh time of Gentamycin injection, the same as the control group. The vestibular function and hearing function were examined before gentamicin injection. The methods of vestibular function examination included head deviation test, lift and tail test, swimming test and animal treadmill test. Hearing tests include auditory brainstem response tests. Vestibular function and hearing function were examined on day 1, day 8, day 15, day 22 and day 30 after the experiment. The vestibular organ of rat cochlea was fixed at the end of the 30th day. The hair cells of cochlea follicle and oval follicle were observed by scanning electron microscope and confocal microscope. Results Statistical analysis was carried out. Results: (1) functional examination: vestibular function and hearing function were normal before experiment. On the first day after the trial, the hearing threshold was increased to 58.3 卤9.9dB (16 Hz) and 57.1 卤8.7dB (32 Hz), and on the 30th day to 45.8 卤9.5dB (16 Hz) and 42.1 卤9.1dB (32 Hz). In the experimental group, the hearing threshold was increased to 51.0 卤10.8dB (16 Hz) and 51.0 卤9.9dB (32 Hz), and on the 30th day to 41.0 卤12.4dB (16 Hz) and 37.5 卤12.9 dB (32 Hz). Results all the experimental groups were lower than those of the control group, but there was no significant difference in the statistical results [first day: P0. 111 (16 Hz) and P0. 140 (32 hertz); 30 days: P0. 313 (16 Hz) and P0. 344 (32 Hz)]. Vestibular function examination: in the control group, three rats showed severe head deviation on the first day after gentamicin injection (40 鈩,




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