[Abstract]:People can easily carry out emotional communication through the eyes, and the external information accepted by the human brain is mostly transmitted through the vision system and processed and processed, The anatomical structure with complex functions has been a hot topic in the field of life science. the retina is divided into 10 layers from the outer to the inside: a retinal pigment epithelial layer, a photosensitive cell layer, an external film, an outer core layer, an outer mesh layer, a core layer, an inner mesh layer, a ganglion cell layer, a nerve fiber layer and an inner boundary layer, the cell bodies of the bipolar cell and the horizontal cell are respectively positioned at the middle part and the outer edge of the inner core layer, the bipolar cell mainly transmits the signal processed from the photoreceptor cell to the ganglion cells through the chemical synapse, and the horizontal cells are between the photosensitive cell and the bipolar cell, It mainly feeds back the received light receptor information to photoreceptors and bipolar cells, and forms a complex synapse link network layer, i.e. an outer mesh layer, between the three cells. In explaining the development of retina, the relationship between the toxicity of alcohol and the development of offspring's retina, especially on neurons, is seldom reported. The toxicity of alcohol can cause multi-system and multi-organ damage to the drinking person, which mainly affects the brain, liver, the cardiovascular system and the immune system; and when the embryo development period is exposed to alcohol, serious damage to the development of the embryo can be caused, and even lead to the occurrence of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). By establishing animal model of alcohol exposure during pregnancy, simulating fetal alcohol syndrome, applying immune cell chemistry and DiI scattering technique, the study of the two-electrode cell and horizontal cell development of sub-mouse retina of different age groups after alcohol exposure in pregnancy was studied. The results are as follows: 1. The exposure of alcohol during pregnancy affects the double-pole of the retina of the rat. The development of the cells by immunocytochemical staining showed that P7, P14 and P30 were developed in the control group and the alcohol model group. The results showed that compared with the control group, the two polar cells showed a general morphological difference in their development, such as decreased number of cells, decreased axons, decreased density, etc. in the high-dose alcohol group. The differences are more obvious, which means that alcohol exposure during pregnancy affects the development of the bipolar cells in the retina and has a dose-dependent effect. should and long-term effect. 2. Exposure to alcohol exposure during pregnancy DiI scattering technique was used in the development of human retinal horizontal cells, and the levels of retinal horizontal cells were marked and observed in the control group and the model group in the control group and the model group. The results showed that there were significant differences in the development of the level cells in the exposed group of alcohol, such as the decrease of the number of dendritic cells, the shortening of the dendritic length, the decrease of the sensory field of the horizontal cells, etc. These changes were more pronounced in the high-dose alcohol group, suggesting that alcohol exposure during pregnancy affected the development of human retinal horizontal cells. In summary, the retina plays a very important role in visual conduction and visual formation. In conclusion, the study of this topic makes us further aware of the harm caused by alcohol abuse during pregnancy to the offspring. Don't be exposed to alcohol exposure during pregnancy will affect the development of the offspring's retina, and it has a dose-dependent and long-range effect on the offspring's retina, which explains the pathogenesis of related ocular disorders such as amblyopia, strabismus, etc. due to exposure to alcohol during pregnancy. It is of great significance, and it has great social and social benefits for promoting better birth, improving people's constitution, and has great social and social benefits for neurotoxicology and eye diseases.
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