[Abstract]:Objective: to verify a new manual reduction method for horizontal nystagmus benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (apogeotropic HSC-BPPV). Methods: a total of 178 patients with horizontal semicircular canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (HSC-BPPV) were diagnosed by modified Supine Roll Test (M-Roll Test method. 37 cases of apogeotropic HSC-BPPV were included in the study sample, accounting for 20.79% of the total incidence. The horizontal back nystagmus of 37 patients with apogeotropic HSC-BPPV was first converted into horizontal to ground nystagmus by using tracheolithiasis, and then the conventional barbecue method was used to perform manual reduction. The resetting maneuver of tubules was as follows: 1 the supine head pad was 30 掳high in rest position, the head of 210min turned 90 掳quickly to the affected side, the posterior head of 32min turned 45 掳to the middle line, and the patient recovered 30 掳position of supine head height after keeping the position of 2min. After lying still for 10min, MRoll Test examination was used to verify the occurrence of bilateral horizontal nystagmus. If the tubules fail, repeat the above techniques many times until bilateral horizontal nystagmus occurs. Results: all the 36 cases of bilateral horizontal nystagmus were changed into horizontal lateral nystagmus of different strength, including 18 cases once, 11 cases twice, 4 cases 3 times. The symptoms of 3 cases were relieved after 4 times 6 times, and 1 case was relieved after one reset of tubules. M-Roll Test examination proved that horizontal nystagmus disappeared again, but Dix-hallpike manual reduction examination showed ipsilateral torsional nystagmus. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (PSC-BPPV) was diagnosed as ipsilateral posterior semicircular canal. The success rate of resetting trachea in this group was 97.3%. All the 36 cases of HSC-BPPV were successfully treated by barbecue manual reduction, and one case of PSC-BPPV was succeeded by Epley tracheolithotomy at one time. Conclusion: this method is necessary for the treatment of apogeotropic HSC-BPPV. It is easy to learn, has high success rate, good comfort and high relative compliance.
【作者单位】: 佛山市禅城区中心医院耳鼻咽喉科;
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