[Abstract]:Objective to compare the clinical effects of batroxobin and ginkgo biloba extract injection in the treatment of sudden deafness. Methods from January 2010 to June 2012 124 patients with sudden deafness were randomly divided into batroxobin group and ginkgo biloba extract group with 62 cases in each group. In addition to basic treatment, the two groups were treated with batroxobin injection and ginkgo biloba extract injection respectively. The clinical efficacy, hearing threshold and recovery time of complications were compared between the two groups. Results 1the total effective rate of Ginkgo biloba extract group was 88.71, which was significantly higher than that of batroxobin group (P0.01). 2 the recovery time of symptoms associated with vomiting, tinnitus and vertigo in Ginkgo biloba extract group was (3.43 卤0.72) d, (5.39 卤1.23) d and (8.17 卤1.37) d, respectively. Compared with batroxobin group, it was significantly shorter (P0.05 or P0.01). 3After treatment, the hearing threshold of Ginkgo biloba extract group was (55.39 卤12.37) dB, significantly lower than that of batroxobin group (P0.01). Conclusion Ginkgo biloba extract injection is superior to Batroxobin injection in the treatment of sudden deafness.
【作者单位】: 齐齐哈尔医学院第二附属医院;
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