发布时间:2019-06-03 21:35
【摘要】:正女性,46岁。主因左眼视物模糊2天于2015年1月12日就诊。既往左眼反复视力下降10个月,当地诊断"角膜病"和青光眼,曾使用溴莫尼定和左氧氟沙星滴眼液。否认家族史和全身疾病史。眼科检查:视力:右眼1.2,左眼0.5。眼压:右眼15 mm Hg,左眼39 mm Hg。右眼:前节及眼底未见明显异常(图1A)。左眼:轻度结膜充血,睑裂区角膜全层水肿(图
[Abstract]:A female, 46 years old. The main reason was blurred vision in the left eye for 2 days on January 12, 2015. After 10 months of repeated visual loss in the left eye, local diagnosis of keratopathy and glaucoma was performed with bromonidine and levofloxacin eye drops. Deny family history and history of systemic illness. Ophthalmic examination: visual acuity: right eye 1.2, left eye 0.5. Intraocular pressure: right eye 15 mm Hg, left eye 39 mm Hg. Right eye: there was no obvious abnormality in the anterior segment and fundus (Fig. 1A). Left eye: mild conjunctival congestion and full corneal edema in eyelid fissure (figure)
【作者单位】: 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院北京同仁眼科中心眼科学与视觉科学北京市重点实验室;
[Abstract]:A female, 46 years old. The main reason was blurred vision in the left eye for 2 days on January 12, 2015. After 10 months of repeated visual loss in the left eye, local diagnosis of keratopathy and glaucoma was performed with bromonidine and levofloxacin eye drops. Deny family history and history of systemic illness. Ophthalmic examination: visual acuity: right eye 1.2, left eye 0.5. Intraocular pressure: right eye 15 mm Hg, left eye 39 mm Hg. Right eye: there was no obvious abnormality in the anterior segment and fundus (Fig. 1A). Left eye: mild conjunctival congestion and full corneal edema in eyelid fissure (figure)
【作者单位】: 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院北京同仁眼科中心眼科学与视觉科学北京市重点实验室;
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