[Abstract]:Background: Waardenburg syndrome (Waardenburg Syndrome,WS) is a genetic syndrome characterized by hearing impairment and abnormal pigment distribution. WS can be divided into four types according to its clinical phenotype: WS1,WS2,WS3,WS4. WS is characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance and high genetic heterogeneity. WS can be divided into four types according to clinical phenotype. Among them, WS2 is the most common type. At present, it is found that MITF,SOX10 and SNAI2,MITF and SOX10 account for about 15% of all WS2 patients, and 70% of WS2 patients still do not find pathogenic factors, and the molecular mechanism of gene mutation leading to phenotype is not clear. Objective and methods: in order to further explore the internal relationship between genotype and phenotype in patients with WS2, the molecular mechanism of WS was discussed by the following schemes: 1. The WS2 family was collected, the detailed clinical data of each patient were collected, and the mutations in the exons of the related pathogenic gene MITF,SOX10, SNAI2 were screened. 2. For the R255X mutation of MITF gene, the eukaryotic expression plasmid pCMV-R255X-Flag, was constructed and the expression of mutant protein was verified by, Western Blot, and the subcellular distribution of mutant protein was detected by immunofluorescence. The phenotype of the first generation of Drosophila melanogaster was observed by crossing Mitf RNAi strain with GAL4 strain. Results: 1. A total of 3 WS2 families and 5 sporadic cases were collected. The c.763CT (R255X) and c.328CT (R110X) heterozygous mutations of MITF gene were found in two lines, and no cause was found in the remaining cases. R255X has been reported in a Chinese family of 4 generations, while R110X is found in two Chinese families. It is further confirmed that the two mutations are co-separated in their families. 2. The pCMV-R255X-Flag mutant plasmid was successfully constructed and transiently transferred into UACC903 melanoma cells. It was found that the expression of the mutant protein was significantly decreased, which confirmed that the MITF gene of R255X mutation encoded a truncated protein. Immunofluorescence assay showed that the wild type MITF protein was mainly distributed in the nucleus, while the R255X mutant protein was also distributed in the cytoplasm. Using GMR-GAL4,Da-GAL4 to drive the expression of UAS-Mitf RNAi, the phenotype of F1 generation was not significantly different from that of the control group. Conclusion: R255X and R110X of 1.MITF gene are the hot spots of WS2 mutation in Chinese population. About 75% of WS2 cases have no unknown pathogenic gene. 2.R255X mutant protein lost all Zip of HLH, and all regions after WS2, resulting in decreased protein expression and abnormal subcellular distribution, which led to the occurrence of R255X. Complete protein and correct subcellular distribution are of great significance for the exercise of MITF function. 3. The expression of Mitf in Drosophila melanogaster is space-time specific and requires more specific GAL4 to drive its expression.
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