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发布时间:2018-04-29 19:26

  本文选题:最小时间算法 + 自动发药机 ; 参考:《中国药房》2015年22期

【摘要】:目的:优化自动发药机中药品储位以提高工作效率。方法:采用最小时间算法原则,即将使用频率高的药品存放在距离出药口近的储药槽中;同时从大量的处方信息中提取药品使用规律,将具有关联性的药品存放在临近的储药槽中。以每日加药时间、处方平均调配时间、最大储药数量为评价指标,优化自动发药机初始储位,统计分析药品初始储位优化前后3个月各指标变化。结果:通过计算各药品包装三维尺寸及其上一年的分发频率数据选择354种药品存储在自动发药机中,并根据其分发频率高低及药品间的关联程度安排其在发药机中储位的近远。与优化前比较,储位优化后每日加药时间平均缩短了54 min(218 vs.165min),处方平均调配时间缩短了8 s(24 vs.16 s),最大储药数量平均增加了1 333盒(13 113 vs.14 446盒),差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:自动发药机药品初始储位经最小时间算法优化后缩短了加药时间和处方调配时间,增加了最大储药数量,提高了工作效率。
[Abstract]:Objective: to improve the efficiency of drug storage in automatic dispenser. Methods: according to the principle of minimum time algorithm, the drugs with high frequency were stored in the tank near the drug outlet, and the rule of drug use was extracted from a large amount of prescription information. Store related drugs in adjacent storage tanks. Taking the time of daily dosing, the average time of prescription allocation and the maximum amount of drug storage as the evaluation index, the initial storage position of the automatic dispenser was optimized, and the changes of the indexes before and after the initial storage of the drug were analyzed statistically. Results: 354 kinds of drugs were selected and stored in automatic dispenser by calculating the 3D size of each drug package and the distribution frequency data of the previous year, and the distance of the drug storage in the dispenser was arranged according to the distribution frequency and the correlation degree between the drugs. Compared with those before optimization, the average daily dosing time was shortened by 54 min(218 vs.165mins, the average prescription time was shortened by 8sm / 24 vs.16 / min, and the maximum drug storage quantity was increased by 1 333carton / 13113 vs.14 / 446 cartons respectively. The difference was statistically significant (P 0.05). Conclusion: the initial drug storage of automatic dispensing machine is optimized by the minimum time algorithm, which shortens the time of drug addition and prescription deployment, increases the maximum amount of drug storage and improves the working efficiency.
【作者单位】: 新疆生产建设兵团医院;石河子大学医学院第二附属医院;


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