本文选题:非意愿妊娠 + 紧急避孕药物 ; 参考:《中国药房》2017年21期
[Abstract]:Objective: to provide reference for increasing the proportion of emergency contraceptive use and reducing the incidence of unwanted pregnancy. Methods: a self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate the knowledge and sources of emergency contraception and the use of emergency contraception in 458 women who requested miscarriage due to unwanted pregnancy in our hospital. The main reasons for not using emergency contraception and the availability of related drugs were investigated, and the results were analyzed. Results: a total of 458 questionnaires were distributed, 426 valid questionnaires were recovered, and the effective recovery rate was 93.0. The awareness rate of emergency contraception knowledge among the women interviewed was 81.2% 34.6% 426%. The rate of awareness of emergency contraception knowledge among the women who had received higher education was significantly higher than that of women with other educational levels (P 0.001), and the proportion of women who had used related drugs was 56.33% 426%. The proportion of women aged 30 and with higher education who had used related drugs was significantly higher than that of women of other ages and educational levels. The percentage of women interviewed who had used emergency contraception after the last menstruation of this pregnancy accounted for 20.286% of 426% of them, of whom only 3.5% (86%) took emergency contraception according to the correct method. The main reason for not using emergency contraception was that they did not know much about emergency contraception and did not know it. Account for 66. 6% of 320%. The highest proportion of women's emergency contraception knowledge came from Internet information platforms, accounting for 53.5% of the total number of 185 / 346g. Among women who had purchased emergency contraception, 37.0% of them thought they could not be easily purchased. Conclusion: the proportion of emergency contraception used in unwanted pregnant women needs to be increased, and the phenomenon of irregular use of drugs is more common, indicating that health education on contraception knowledge still needs to be strengthened, and the availability of emergency contraception drugs still needs to be improved.
【作者单位】: 华北石油管理局总医院妇产科;
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