[Abstract]:purpose of study The purpose of this study is to draw a conclusion about the antibiotics of Taiyuan Clinician by means of questionnaire and interview. Application's' Expertise, Medication Attitude, Behavior, and Work The overall situation of four aspects such as" demand "and so on, thus demonstrating the doctor's factors influencing the rational use of antibiotics and their correlation. Strength. Through data comparison of different levels of medical institutions, analyze the use situation of antibiotics in each level medical institution, find out the sex factors, and provide reference for the administrative departments and medical institutions to formulate reasonable and corresponding measures. Value. Research method 1. Literature research method: use the electronic resources of school library (including foreign language retrieval database: PubMed, OVID, Medline, etc.; Chinese retrieval database: Chinese web site network, Wanfang database, Vip network database, etc.) Relevant materials at home and abroad, understand the status quo of research on antibiotics, use situation, existing problems, Reasons and solutions, etc. The questionnaire survey: Please fill out comments and suggestions on relevant issues by issuing questionnaires to research subjects. Obtain the information needed by the research institute. It is an indirect collection. In this paper, the author makes a comprehensive study of literature and interview records, establishes, modifies, and formulates the questionnaire for the medical institution. Clinical physician on-site investigation. 3. In-depth interview method: refers to the interviewee and the interviewee through face-to-face conversation to realize the research question about the interviewee A Research on the Purpose of Psychology and Behavior Methods: In this paper, we take the form of in-depth interview. Through interviews with the leaders of the hospital infection management committee, the director of the clinical department and the doctor, the interviewer understands the usage and management measures of antibiotics in the hospital and department. I am confronted with Suggestions on rational use of antibiotics and so on. The results of the study are 1. The clinical physicians in Taiyuan use the original antibiotics for antibiotics. however, there is a significant difference in that cognitive level of antibiotic use knowledge by clinicians who hold different attitudes and behavior, and this also demonstrates the use of antibiotics Knowledge is understood to affect the attitude and behavior of the physician in the use of antibiotics. The results of multi-factor analysis have found that the cognitive level of antibiotic knowledge is primarily related to the clinician Type of age, professional category, job title, working year and working unit There is a relationship. 4. The clinical doctor's training for rational use of antibiotics needs to be higher. According to the needs of individual medical institutions, we adopt a private customization mode. The three-level hospitals can offer more opportunities to study abroad, and the second level Hospital and Society The district health service center is mainly focused on in-hospital lectures and study of higher-level medical institutions. Conclusion 1. Based on the study of this topic, however, we should strengthen that training of antibiotic knowledge, especially the application principle and use guidelines of antibiotics. achieves the effect of forward-looking intervention and realizes antibiotic prevention and treatment The overall supervision, feedback, and optimization of therapeutic diseases. 3. Pay attention to the clinical pharmacy service and play the function of clinical pharmacist. The clinical pharmacist is involved in the clinical service. The medical institution should strengthen the implementation of the relevant management system of antibiotics, strengthen supervision, analyze the advantages and disadvantages and make the whole
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