[Abstract]:Background Drug neglect is a frequent, harmful and expensive patient safety event. So far, the research has focused on drug neglect in hospitals. The purpose of this paper is to determine the main causes and solutions of drug neglect in primary medical care. Methods using the PRIORITIZE priority-setting method, 500 primary care clinicians from northwest London were invited to complete an open questionnaire from September 2013 to November 2014. 113 clinicians submitted questionnaire feedback, including 48 problems and 45 solutions. A total of 57 clinicians were randomly selected from the initial group to rate the problems and solutions. (AEA) was used to evaluate the consistency of clinicians' scores. Results the top three problems were: insufficient handover of medication and treatment, insufficient guidance on drug use, and poor discharge orders. Top-ranking solutions include developing standardized discharge advice templates, reducing unnecessary prescriptions and overdosing to a minimum. Communication between health care workers and patients, quality assurance methods during drug prescriptions and drug monitoring, and guidance to patients on how to use drugs are considered top priorities. The top ranked recommendations receive the highest AEA score. Conclusion clinicians have determined a series of suggestions for better drug administration, quality assurance procedures and patient drug guidance education. PRIORITIZE is a new, convenient, systematic and replicable method. It is worth further exploring in order to be part of the routine prevention mechanism of patient safety monitoring.
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