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发布时间:2018-02-24 20:03

  本文关键词: 二孩政策 经产妇 胎次 母乳喂养 母婴保健 出处:《中国全科医学》2017年29期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Objective to analyze the situation of breast-feeding and maternal and infant health care after the opening of the two-child policy, and to explore the methods to improve the status of breast-feeding and maternal and infant health care. Methods from 2017 to March 1-3, multi-stage stratified sampling was used. The 11 prefecture-level cities in Zhejiang Province were divided into three levels according to their economic level, one city was randomly selected from each level, and two municipal districts were drawn from each city. One community health service center is selected from each municipal district. The second child is registered with the community health service center and the age of the second child is 6 months to 3 years of age. Health mothers without organic diseases were investigated by self-designed questionnaires, which included basic information of the subjects, and mainly cared for the relatives of their children. Pre-pregnancy assessment. Compare and analyse the duration of (exclusive) breastfeeding within six months of one-child and two-child feeding, the reasons for termination of breastfeeding, whether there have been breastfeeding difficulties and the most effective sources of help. Results there were 41 mothers with second child and 54 mothers with second child in the area of economic development. The difference was statistically significant (蠂 ~ (2 / 2) 7.816 / P _ (0.01)). The consistency of 0 ~ 6 months old feeding mode of women with different birth order was worse than that of Kappa (0.292) P _ (0.01). The difference was statistically significant (蠂 ~ (2 / 2) / 7.816 / P ~ (0.035)). The duration of exclusive breast-feeding was long, and the difference was significant (P < 0.05). The duration of breast-feeding was longer than that of one baby (P0.05). The experience of different breast-feeding difficulties was similar to that of Kappa-0.499n P0.01.The experience of breast-feeding difficulties was compared. The difference was statistically significant (蠂 2: 4.45). "experienced relatives or friends" "self-search solution" was the most effective source of help when different births experienced breast-feeding difficulties. The school participation in different gravidas was about 50.0%. Generally speaking, Kappa (0.502) and pregnant women's schools (P0.01a) were compared in terms of the participation of pregnant women's schools. The difference was not statistically significant. After the second child returned home, 81 cases (48.2%) still needed education guidance on knowledge and skills of breastfeeding. The consistency of postpartum visits among different births was generally consistent with that of Kappa 0.431 (P 0.01), and postpartum visits were compared. The difference was statistically significant (P 0.01). Conclusion the exclusive breast-feeding rate in the second child is higher than that in the first child. Second (pure) breast feeding duration is longer than that of one child. The school participation of two pregnant women is less than 50. 0. The number and content of visits to primary maternal and child health care institutions after delivery are different from the state standard. Elderly residents who have signed up to care for their grandchildren provide breastfeeding guidance. To improve breastfeeding status.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学医学院;浙江大学医学院社会医学与全科医学研究所;


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