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发布时间:2018-03-17 06:17

  本文选题:长沙市 切入点:老年人群 出处:《湖南农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:[目的]通过对长沙市某高校退休教职工的膳食结构、营养素的摄入状况、营养知识、营养态度、饮食行为(KAP)及营养知识获取途径的调查,探讨高校退休教职工膳食中存在的营养问题,为建立正确的健康观念、引导合理膳食及纠正不良的饮食行为,提高整个高校退休教职工人群的健康状况,既能促进其身体健康,又可以向周围人群传播营养知识和健康理念。 [方法]随机抽取长沙市芙蓉区科教新村、东湖、滨湖、逸园、泉塘等小区本地高校退休教职工,他们在校医院体检后并自愿参加本次问卷调查。调查问卷为200份,回收有效问卷195份。膳食营养调查采用3天24小时回顾法、食物频率法对高校退休教职工食物种类、数量及营养素摄入情况进行统计。将所有调查对象的实际摄入量折合成60岁轻体力劳动者的摄入量,并以DRIs作为调查对象营养素摄入量参考值。而对长沙市60岁以上高校退休职工进行营养知识、态度、行为的调查,分析该人群的营养知识水平、膳食习惯、生活方式。 [结果]膳食营养调查结果显示,高校退休教职工的膳食结构中谷类占23.34%、蔬菜类占35.14%、水果类7.79%、豆及豆制品占2.65%,摄入比例较低;而肉禽类占11.78%、油脂占3.02%、盐为11.32%,摄入比例较高。 产能营养素中蛋白质、脂肪摄入量占能量的14.88%、31.73%,碳水化合物摄入量较低,占总能量的54.33%,膳食纤维摄入量过低,仅达到摄入量的46.30%。微量元素中钙、B1、B2、视黄醇当量摄入量不足,分别占推荐摄入量的65.50%、62.14%、76.15%、72.26%。三餐供能比中早餐供能比较低,晚餐较高。 高校退休教职工营养知识平均得分是10.41+2.34,其中营养知识得分的一般等级、良好等级及优秀等级分别占28.72%、41.03%、30.26%。营养态度平均认同率为79.48%,仅有68名调查对象对没有口渴就不用喝水的认同率较低,低至34.87%。不同条件下高校退休教职工饮食行为存在差异具有统计学意义(P0.05),其中68名退休教职工口味偏咸、69名调查对象服用营养补充剂、51名调查对象对保健品感兴趣、131名调查对象选择食物首先考虑的因素为营养价值。 高校退休教职工最希望获取营养知识是保健防病及食品安全,分别占调查对象的52.32%、37.35%。其中获取营养知识的主要途径是报纸、报刊、杂志(58.97%)、电视广播(47.69%),并希望通过从多渠道、多途径获取营养知识。 [结论]1.长沙市某高校退休教职工营养状况总体良好,膳食结构基本合理,营养素的摄入存在碳水化合物摄入量偏低、蛋白质摄入量偏高、脂肪摄入量过高、维生素C、钙、B1、B2、视黄醇当量及膳食纤维摄入偏低,钠摄入偏高,且不重视早餐,晚餐供能过多。 2.高校退休教职工相关营养知识掌握良好,膳食摄入习惯与中国居民膳食指南、平衡膳食宝塔的具体要求存在较大的差距。对不同条件人群而言,女性好于男性,退休教师好于退休职工,60~69岁的退休教职工好于70~79岁、80~89岁的退休教职工。 3.本次调查结果还显示,高校退休教职工有较高的文化素质,对微量营养素的养知识掌握情况及饮食习惯也有不尽人意之处,可以推测出,本市其他社区人群及农村人群的情况可能会更差。因此,强化人群营养与健康教育势在必行。
[Abstract]:[Objective] the dietary structure of a university Changsha, retired staff, nutrient intake, nutrition knowledge, nutrition attitude, dietary behavior (KAP) survey and nutrition knowledge acquisition way, discusses the problems of retired teachers and workers in dietary nutrition, in order to establish the correct concept of health, and guide reasonable diet to correct poor eating behavior, improve the college retired staff of the health conditions, can not only improve their health, and to the people around the spread of nutritional knowledge and healthy concept.
[Methods] Furong district were randomly selected Changsha Kejiao village, East Lake, Binhu, Yi Park, quantang District Local College retired staff, they in the hospital after examination and volunteered to participate in this survey. The questionnaire is 200 copies, and 195 valid questionnaires were collected. Dietary survey by 3 days and 24 hours review method and the food frequency questionnaire of College retired staff of food types, quantity and nutrient intake were statistically. The actual intake of all surveyed converted into 60 light manual intake, and taking DRIs as the research object of nutrient intake and nutritional knowledge. The reference value of Changsha, over 60 years old in Colleges and universities retired workers attitude and behavior investigation, analysis of the nutrition knowledge level, the population dietary habits and lifestyle.
[results] the dietary nutrition survey results show that, the retired staff of the dietary structure of Valley category accounted for 23.34%, accounted for 35.14% of 7.79% vegetables, fruits, beans and bean products accounted for 2.65%, the intake proportion is low; and poultry accounted for 11.78%, oil accounted for 3.02%, salt 11.32%, intake proportion is high.
Capacity of nutrients protein, fat intake accounted for 14.88% of energy, 31.73%, carbohydrate intake is low, accounting for 54.33% of total energy intake, low dietary fiber, only reached 46.30%. intake of trace elements in calcium, B1, B2, retinol equivalent intake, respectively recommended intake of 65.50%, 62.14%, 76.15%, three meals a day for 72.26%. can lower than breakfast for dinner.
The retired staff of nutrition knowledge, the average score was 10.41+2.34, the general level of nutrition knowledge scores, good grades and excellent grades accounted for 28.72%, 41.03%, 30.26%. average nutrition attitude recognition rate of 79.48%, only 68 of respondents do not drink water to thirsty no recognition rate is low, low to the 34.87%. under different conditions retired staff of dietary behavior differences was statistically significant (P0.05), including 68 retired staff of salty taste, 69 subjects taking nutritional supplements, 51 respondents interested in health care products, 131 respondents selected factors first consideration for the nutritional value of food.
The retired staff hope to get the nutrition knowledge is health care and disease prevention and food safety, which accounted for 52.32% of respondents, the main way to 37.35%. to get the knowledge of nutrition is a newspaper, newspapers, magazines, radio and TV (58.97%) (47.69%), and that from multi channels, multi way access to nutrition knowledge.
[conclusion]1. Changsha retired teachers in a university in the nutritional status of workers is generally good, the dietary structure is basically reasonable, nutrient intake has low carbohydrate intake, high protein intake, high intake of fat, vitamin C, calcium, B1, B2, retinol and dietary fiber intake is low, high sodium intake, and do not pay attention to breakfast. Dinner for too much.
2. college retired staff related nutrition knowledge, dietary habits and dietary guidelines Chinese residents, there is a big gap between the specific requirements of the balanced diet pagoda on different conditions. Population, women are better than men, retired teachers to retired workers, 60~69 year old retired staff in 70~79 years old, retired staff of 80~89 old.
3. the survey results also show that the retired staff have higher cultural quality, there are deficiencies of micronutrients have knowledge and dietary habits, it can be inferred that the city community population and rural population situation may be even worse. Therefore, strengthening the people of nutrition and health education is imperative.



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