本文选题:育龄妇女 + 产前检查 ; 参考:《中国公共卫生》2015年03期
【摘要】:目的了解陕西省农村育龄妇女的产前保健现状,探讨其影响因素的直接与间接作用,为进一步制定西部农村妇女围产期保健干预措施提供基线资料和依据。方法采用多阶段分层随机整群抽样方法对在陕西省5个贫困县抽取的4 779名2007—2009年曾分娩过的农村育龄妇女进行围产期保健状况问卷调查,采用确证性因子分析构建测量模型,一般加权最小二乘法(WLS)估计参数,通过评价修正来确定最佳模型。结果陕西省调查分析的4 779名2007—2009年曾分娩过的农村育龄妇女中,有63.5%的育龄妇女在孕12周内完成首次产检,有43.8%的育龄妇女接受过至少5次产检,有30.2%的育龄妇女按要求完成所有产检内容,有89.3%的育龄妇女产检地点在乡级及以上医院,4项均符合要求的育龄妇女占14.2%;结构方程模型分析结果显示,家庭特征、保健知识和育龄妇女社会人口特征等均影响到产前保健服务的利用,其中家庭特征影响最大,占62.1%,个体特征的影响次之,占25.4%,而保健知识占12.5%。结论陕西省农村妇女的产前检查质量有待提高,应重点针对家庭经济差、文化程度低及年龄较大的育龄妇女进行产前保健知识宣教。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the present situation of prenatal care for rural women of childbearing age in Shaanxi Province, and to explore the direct and indirect effects of its influencing factors, so as to provide baseline data and basis for further formulation of perinatal health care interventions for rural women in western China. Methods A multi-stage stratified random cluster sampling method was used to investigate the perinatal health status of 4,779 rural childbearing women who had given birth from 2007 to 2009 in 5 poor counties of Shaanxi Province. The measurement model is constructed by confirmatory factor analysis and the WLSs are estimated by the general weighted least square method. The best model is determined by the evaluation correction. Results among the 4 779 women of childbearing age who had given birth from 2007 to 2009 in Shaanxi Province, 63.5% of the women of childbearing age had completed the first birth examination within 12 weeks of pregnancy, and 43.8% of the women of childbearing age had received at least 5 birth tests. 30.2% of the women of childbearing age completed all the contents of birth examination according to the requirements, and 89.3% of the women of childbearing age met the requirements in 4 items of hospital at the township level and above, the results of structural equation model analysis showed that the family characteristics, Health care knowledge and social and demographic characteristics of women of childbearing age affect the utilization of antenatal care services, among which family characteristics are the most important, accounting for 62.1%, and individual characteristics are the second, accounting for 25.4%, while health care knowledge accounts for 12.5%. Conclusion the quality of antenatal examination for rural women in Shaanxi Province needs to be improved. The emphasis should be placed on the education of prenatal care knowledge for women with poor family economy, low education level and older childbearing age.
【作者单位】: 西安交通大学医学部公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系;陕西省营养与食品安全工程研究中心;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(81202218) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-11-0417)
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