[Abstract]:In this paper, the origin and distribution of foodborne pathogenic microorganism (Norovirus,NoV) in fruit and vegetable produce and its enrichment in fruit and vegetable agricultural products are reviewed. Outbreak of foodborne NoV related to fruit and vegetable farm products and detection methods in agricultural products. In the last 30 years, the number of foodborne NoV outbreaks related to agricultural products continues to increase. This is mainly related to the transmission characteristics of NoV (strong infectivity, low infection dose and strong resistance to the environment) and the remarkable development of NoV detection methods in food in recent 15 years. Fresh produce, as a high-risk food, is usually eaten raw without cooking, and is easily contaminated in different parts of the supply chain, such as irrigation water contaminated with human excrement, fertilizer, water for food treatment, unhygienic operation by food handlers, The binding of. Nov in fruits and vegetables was mainly related to the physicochemical properties of virus particles, the adsorption of NoV to agricultural products and the possible internalization pathway. According to the latest data of foodborne NoV outbreaks related to fruits and vegetables in Europe and the United States, the large scale outbreaks of foodborne NoV in Europe are mainly caused by raspberry and lettuce contaminated by NoV, and mainly by NoV contaminated lettuce in the United States. In our country, there is no research on the detection of foodborne NoV in agricultural products, and there is no relevant data on the outbreak of agri-related NoV, so it is impossible to analyze the pollution of NoV in agricultural products in China. NoV in agricultural products has the characteristics of low content and uneven distribution. It is necessary to use reasonable sampling method, virus ribonucleic acid (Ribonucleic acid,RNA) extraction method and real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction,RT-qPCR) method to detect NoV in different samples. According to the physicochemical properties of NoV shell protein, high pH value and high ionic strength elution solution (such as alkaline glycine buffer, etc.) can improve the recovery of NoV. The recovery rate could be increased by adding trihydroxymethyl aminomethane-hydrochloric acid (Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane-HCl,Tris-HCl), and the pectin contained in berry fruits could be removed by Pectinase under neutral conditions. This paper also discusses the international standard for the detection of foodborne NoV in food, ISO/TS 15216: 2013, the summary of NoV detection methods in fruit and vegetable products and the latest method for detecting NoV (in situ hybridization RT-qPCR method), which provides some references for the research of NoV detection in agricultural products. In order to establish and develop the detection method of NoV in agricultural products, aiming at the adsorption characteristics of NoV in different fruit and vegetable products, matching the corresponding NoV extraction method, establishing the routine molecular detection method of NoV in many kinds of agricultural products. In order to facilitate the safety of agricultural products at the source of monitoring.
【作者单位】: 江苏省食品质量安全重点实验室省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地农业部农产品质量安全控制技术与标准重点实验室江苏省农业科学院食品质量安全与检测所;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(31301703) 江苏省自主创新项目(CX(14)5068)
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