[Abstract]:Occupational exposure of medical staff refers to their exposure to toxic, harmful or pathogenic substances which damage health or even endanger life in the process of diagnosis and treatment.
Occupational exposure to blood-borne and respiratory pathogens, some physical (sharp instruments, radiation, noise) and chemical (chemical disinfectants, anaesthetic gases) factors, as well as the accompanying psychological stresses, is common among medical staff. Sharp instrument injuries are the main route of occupational exposure to blood-borne infectious diseases, according to the United States Disease Control. About 600,000 to 800,000 sharp injuries occur annually in China, accounting for 80% of the total number of nurses. Almost all nurses have experienced sharp injuries in their careers.
In recent years, with the increasing incidence of cancer and the continuous development of antineoplastic drugs, the exposure of these drugs has gradually become a more harmful factor. Antineoplastic drugs are mostly cytotoxic agents, with mutagenicity, carcinogenesis and teratogenesis. Low dose exposure may cause some harm to our health if it is not properly protected.
Nurses'mastery of occupational safety and protection knowledge and their level of protection skills not only have a direct impact on their own health, but also on the safety of patients. At the same time, through occupational protection training, assessment and other measures to intervene and analyze the effect of intervention, in order to explore some rules of nurses'blood-borne and anti-tumor drug occupational exposure and effective intervention model, in order to further improve the level of occupational protection. For scientific basis.
Part one investigation and intervention study on occupational exposure to blood and protection of nurses
Objective: To understand the risk factors of blood-borne occupational exposure, the degree of exposure, the injury and its distribution, and the popularization level of protective knowledge among nurses in a general hospital, and to evaluate the effect of intervention.
Methods: Cluster sampling was used to conduct a questionnaire survey among nurses in a tertiary general hospital in March 2011. The questionnaire included washing hands, wearing gloves, knowing the occurrence of sharp injuries and the content of standard prevention and its implementation. Interventions were then implemented, including training of occupational protection knowledge, assessment and adjustment of human resources. Source allocation and so on. Six months after intervention, the same survey was conducted again. The results of the two surveys were compared and analyzed to evaluate the exposure status and consequences, protection level and intervention effect.
1. The incidences of sharp instrument injuries were related to professional titles and working years. The incidences of sharp instrument injuries in nurses with junior professional titles and short working years were higher than those with middle or senior professional titles and longer working years (P 0.01).
2. The most common type of sharp instrument injury is glass scratch. The others are needle scratch, needle scratch, transfusion needle scratch and surgical blade scratch.
3. The incidence of sharp instrument injury was 31.3% after intervention, which was significantly lower than that before intervention (52.2%) (P 0.01). The understanding of standard prevention was significantly improved after intervention (P 0.01). Change.
Conclusion: The risk factors of sharp instrument injuries are less years of work, and glass scratches rank first in the category of sharp instrument injuries.
The second part is investigation and intervention on occupational exposure and protection of nurses' antineoplastic drugs.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the risk factors of occupational exposure to antineoplastic drugs in nurses of a general hospital, the degree of exposure and the present situation of protection, and to evaluate the effect of intervention.
METHODS: A questionnaire survey was conducted among nurses in a tertiary A general hospital in March 2011. The questionnaire included general information, cognition of occupational protection of antineoplastic drugs, protective measures and management of protection at work, etc. Six months after the intervention, the same survey was conducted again. The results of the two surveys were compared and analyzed to evaluate the exposure, protection level and intervention effect.
1. Knowledge of protection: 56.5% mastered the absorption pathway of antineoplastic drugs into the human body, 57.7% mastered the method of contamination treatment after drug splashing, 66.7% mastered the method of inadvertent contact with skin and mucosa, 60.7% mastered the correct configuration method.
2. Execution of protective measures: 89.3% never wore protective eyeglasses when preparing antineoplastic drugs, 86.9% never wore protective clothing, 87.5% never wore protective caps.
3. Intervention effect: After the intervention, the awareness rate of related protection knowledge was significantly improved (P 0.01, P 0.05); the proportion of wearing protective eyeglasses, protective clothing and protective cap was significantly increased (P 0.01), and the compliance of hand washing was also improved.
CONCLUSION: Nurses in a hospital have poor cognitive ability in occupational protection of antineoplastic drugs and poor protective behavior when preparing antineoplastic drugs. After intervention, the occupational protection education and administrative intervention are effective.
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