[Abstract]:Professor Chen Xuechun is a renowned national and even world maternal and child nutrition experts, 100 years old this year. In his nearly 70 years of career, he has published more than 300 scientific research papers, authored several classic works, held many important nutrition positions at home and abroad, and won many international and national awards and honours. Even at the age of 89 (2006) also won the China Neito International Parental Award. He is one of the founders of the study on the Prevention and treatment of Nutrition deficiency in China and the Research on Nutrition of Chinese Maternal and Child. He is also our respected teacher. His research and academic footprint are imprinted in the history of the development of nutrition science in China. He was awarded the 100-year-old Nutrition Award by the Chinese Nutrition Society.
【作者单位】: 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所;
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