[Abstract]:Objective: to evaluate and analyze the visual efficiency and visual information processing ability of children with behavioral problems, to understand the development of visual perception, and to provide evidence for early intervention and improvement of learning ability. Methods: according to the Achenbach Children's behavior scale (CBCL), 71 children aged 611 years with behavioral problems were selected according to the criterion of one or more factor score exceeding the 98th percentile of the factor. Two hundred and forty two children with no behavioral problems were screened by 1:2 pairing design with the same sex and no more than 3 months of age difference. Developmental eye movement test and rapid naming test were used to evaluate visual efficiency and visual information processing ability of children respectively. Results: the abnormal detection rate of developmental eye movement test in behavioral problem group was higher than that in normal control group (longitudinal test 29.6vs.5.6; transverse test 26.8vs.7.0 P0.01). The abnormal rate of children in behavioral problem group in rapid naming test was higher than that in normal control group (P < 0.05). Body name 19.7vs.10.6; color name 15.5vs.5.6; numerical name 28.2vs.4.9; Chinese character 19.7vs.9.2i; numeral Chinese character 21.1vs.7.00; digital Chinese character color 33.8vs.11.3i; all P0.05). Conclusion: children with behavioral problems may have defects in the development of visual perception. The evaluation of visual perception development in children with behavioral problems is helpful to early recognition and early intervention.
【作者单位】: 南京医科大学附属南京市妇幼保健院儿保科;南京医科大学儿科医学研究所;
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