[Abstract]:Objective to understand the current situation of sexual and reproductive health knowledge, attitude and sexual acquisition among high school students in Anhui Province, and to provide scientific basis for sexual and reproductive health education of middle school students. Methods using stratified cluster sampling, 3 826 students were selected from 16 high schools in three cities of north (Suzhou), middle (Hefei) and south (Chizhou) in Anhui province. Sexual and reproductive health knowledge (including reproductive health knowledge, STD / AIDS knowledge, safety knowledge), sexual and reproductive health attitudes of senior high school students were investigated by self-designed sexual and reproductive health questionnaire. The status of sexual and reproductive health knowledge was investigated. The sex and reproductive health knowledge of senior high school students were compared by using c2 test, and t test and variance analysis were used to compare the sexual and reproductive health attitudes of high school students. Results the overall awareness rate of reproductive health knowledge, STD knowledge, AIDS knowledge, contraception knowledge and safety knowledge were 55.08, 49.31, 56.2333, 35.12and 85.61, respectively. The overall awareness rate of sexual and reproductive health knowledge of high school students in Anhui Province was 57.10, that of male students was 63.92, that of girls was 52.93, and that of urban students was 52.93. The awareness rate was 61.16 and the overall awareness rate of sexual and reproductive health knowledge of rural students was 55.40. The scores of sexual and reproductive health attitude of high school students in Anhui province were 34.78 卤4.09.52.06%, 26.47% and 21.47% respectively. The sexual and reproductive health knowledge of high school students in Anhui province are adolescent mental development knowledge, adolescent health care knowledge, adolescent growth and development knowledge. The most desirable sources of sexual and reproductive health knowledge were doctors / nurses, parents, and the Internet. Students / friends. 33.09% of high school students reported taking sexual and reproductive health-related courses in school, such as adolescence, prevention of AIDS or prevention of sexual abuse. The overall awareness rate of sexual and reproductive health knowledge of high school students who had studied related courses (59.96%) was higher than that of high school students who had not studied related courses (57.56%). The difference was statistically significant. There was no significant difference between the overall attitude scores of high school students who had studied related courses and those who had not studied related courses (P0.05). Conclusion the awareness rate of sexual and reproductive health knowledge of high school students in Anhui Province is low and there is great room for improvement. High school students have a strong demand for adolescent knowledge of physiology, psychology and health care, and the proportion of sexual and reproductive health courses obtained from school is low. School education may play a positive role in improving adolescents' knowledge of sexual and reproductive health, and the main role of school teaching in adolescent sexual and reproductive health education should be brought into full play.
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