[Abstract]:Objective to analyze the factors influencing the fertility rate of women of childbearing age in Shaanxi Province, and to provide basis for improving and making the current family planning policy. Methods according to the data of the sixth population Census of Shaanxi Province, the illiteracy rate, mortality rate, population density, urbanization rate and per capita net income of farmers were analyzed by correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and other statistical methods. The influence of six factors, such as per capita disposable income of urban residents, on fertility is observed. Results correlation analysis showed that the total fertility rate was positively correlated with the illiteracy rate and the total mortality rate, and negatively correlated with the urbanization rate and the per capita net income of farmers. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that urbanization rate, farmers' income and total mortality rate all passed the significance test of total fertility rate. Time series analysis showed that the urbanization rate and farmers' income showed an obvious upward trend, while the mortality rate showed a slow downward trend. Conclusion the representative factors that have significant influence on fertility are urbanization rate, farmers' income and mortality rate, which will lead to further decrease of total fertility rate in the future.
【作者单位】: 西安交通大学医院;西安交通大学经济与金融学院;第四军医大学基础部;西北政法大学;
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