[Abstract]:Aim to observe the effect of comprehensive intervention measures of multi-sector cooperation to promote the provision and utilization of adolescent-friendly reproductive health services, and to provide evidence for the establishment of related long-term working mechanisms. Methods three urban areas of Heilongjiang, Jiangsu and Shandong were used as control areas, in addition, Guangdong and Chongqing, The effect of intervention was observed in 3 urban areas of Guizhou Province after the implementation of the Action Plan for Multi-sector Cooperation to promote the provision and Utilization of Youth friendly Services for 1.5 years. The subjects were 12-24-year-old unmarried school and non-resident adolescents, which were 1 104, 1 149 before intervention and 983962 after intervention, respectively. 蠂 2 test was used to compare the difference between intervention area and control area before and after intervention. Results after intervention, the frequency of seeking medical treatment, the proportion of visits to local maternal and child health care centers and the satisfaction with services in the intervention areas were significantly higher than those before intervention. From 19.2% (male) and 25.8% (female) to 41.6% (male) and 56.6% (female), 32.2% to 68.1%, 49.2% (county hospital) and 64.4% (county maternal and child health hospital) increased to 73.6% (county hospital) and 88.0% (county maternal and child health care hospital), and both were higher than the control area. After intervention, the number of adolescent friendly services increased threefold from 1 525 to 6 816 in the intervention area, while that in the control area increased from 140 to 340. The five common reasons why adolescents in the intervention areas encounter reproductive health problems are "not considered a problem" (45.6%), "shy, worried about meeting acquaintances" (17.9%), "do not need to see a doctor" (15.2%), "do not need to see a doctor" (15.2%). "I don't know which hospital is better" (14.1%), "no time" (13.4%), and there was no statistically significant change in proportion and order after intervention. Conclusion it is necessary, feasible and effective to promote the utilization of adolescent friendly services in the existing health service system of our country. It can provide some references for policy makers.
【作者单位】: 中国疾病预防控制中心妇幼保健中心;
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