[Abstract]:Objective to understand the epidemic characteristics and trends of viral hepatitis E (HEV) in Guizhou province from 2007 to 2016, and put forward the key control areas and population. Methods descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the incidence data of hepatitis E in Guizhou province from 2007 to 2016. Results A total of 3 585 cases (1 death) of hepatitis E were reported in Guizhou Province in 2007.The average incidence rate was 0.9994 / one hundred thousand. In 2016, the rate of basal development was 676.8%, and the annual average rate of development was 123.7%. Cases reported from March to June accounted for 39.05% (1 400 脳 3 585). In addition to the peak in winter and spring in 2009, there was a small peak in June-August in 2011 and 2016. The incidence rate in 55-year-old age group was 50.91%, the sex ratio of male to female was 1.93%, and the incidence rate was 43.35%, 9.96% and 9.68%, respectively, among farmers, evacuees, houseworkers and unemployed persons. The incidence rates of Guiyang, Anshun and Southeast Guizhou were 2.355 / 100000, 1.245 / 100000 and 1.030 / 100000, respectively. Conclusion the number of cases of hepatitis E in Guizhou Province has increased rapidly since 2011. 35-55-year-old farmers, retired workers, houseworkers and unemployed persons are the main epidemic population, and February-April and June-August are the most important seasons for prevention and control.
【作者单位】: 贵州医科大学公共卫生学院;贵州省疾病预防控制中心;
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