发布时间:2019-05-28 12:17
【摘要】:研究目的通过调查北京和西安城区婚检人群对婚前保健相关知识的掌握及对生育健康知识的需求情况,分析婚前健康教育工作中存在的问题,提出适宜的生殖健康教育模式的建议,期望能够降低不孕不育的发生,促进围婚人群的生殖健康水平。研究方法本研究采用定量研究和定性研究相结合的研究方法。定量研究在2016年10月至2016年12月期间,对北京朝阳区妇幼保健院和陕西省西安市莲湖区妇幼保健计划生育服务中心的婚检人群,根据现况调查公式计算样本量为780人,由经过培训的医务人员进行一对一的问卷调查,调查婚检人群婚前保健相关知识的掌握情况。定性研究对2016年12月期间,在两所保健院各随机抽取10名(共20人)婚检人员,根据访谈提纲,了解研究对象对生育健康知识的需求情况。利用EpiData软件进行数据的回收录入,利用SPSS 17.0统计软件完成数据的整理与分析。统计分析方法:定量调查采用描述性研究,分析数据的频数分布、所占百分比的情况,做卡方检验、t检验、方差分析。定性调查采用Colaizzi提出的现象学资料分析法进行资料的处理与分析。研究结果本次调查共发放问卷780份,收回774份,回收率99.2%。经核查有效问卷约763份,有效率97.8%。年龄方面:20~25岁占12.5%;26~30岁占49.1%;31~35岁占24.4%;大于36岁占14.0%。符合晚婚年龄(男25周岁,女23周岁)的男性占87.1%、女性占93.9%。处在最佳生育年龄(男性25-35岁,女性24-29岁),男性占78.4%、女性占48.9%。文化程度方面:小学/初中组最少,占3.8%;高中/专科组占24.5%;本科组最多,占50.7%;硕士以上组占20.3%。北京、西安两地各文化程度组的人数接近,比较无统计学差异(P0.05)。男、女不同年龄组对婚前保健知识认知的平均得分比较无统计学差异(P0.05),不同文化程度组平均得分比较有显著差异(P0.05)。再进一步做组间两两比较的t检验,小学/初中组与高中和本科组的平均得分存在显著差异(P0.05),本科组与硕士以上组的平均得分不存在显著差异(P0.05)。婚前保健知识判断正确率较高的题目(正确率60%以上):对过度吸烟、酗酒会影响精子质量、胎儿发育的认识,正确率96.6%;造成不孕的原因可能来自男女双方的认识,正确率94.1%选择;暂时不宜婚育的疾病,正确率83.4%;对淋病、梅毒等性传播疾病需经正规治疗临床治愈后方可结婚,正确率68.6%;优生优育应避免的不利因素,正确率69.6%。婚前保健知识判断正确率较低的题目(正确率60%以下):获取生殖健康知识的态度,男性不主动获取或无所谓态度者(69.7%)高于女性(30.3%),男、女性别组的差异存在统计学意义(P0.05);选择不适合短期避孕的方法,正确率57.9%;选择男性和女性的最佳生育年龄,正确率51.2%;是否会计算排卵期,会计算者占49.0%;选择婚后需要限制性生活的时期,正确率26.7%;对不孕症的认识,正确率23.2%,不清楚45.1%。选择经性行为传播的疾病,正确率14.2%;对遗传性疾病的知晓情况,正确率为8.0%;选择失败率相对较高的避孕方式,正确率7.1%。对生育知识需求前三位的是如何注意生殖卫生、避免不利优生因素、如何计划受孕,最后两位的是性病主要传播途径、最佳生育年龄。其中北京地区对生育知识需求前三位的是如何注意生殖卫生、限制性生活的时期、常用的短期避孕方法。西安地区是如何注意生殖卫生、如何计划受孕、避孕失败后的补救措施。访谈中调查人群对生殖健康、优生优育知识的需求突出。生育知识的主要获取途径,通过网络获取者最多,占69.3%,其次是书刊占40.9%,宣传册占27.4%,知识讲座占11.2%,更希望通过医生当面咨询指导者占30.2%。选择避孕措施情况中,使用避孕套者最多,占78.2%,其次是服用避孕药,占20.1%,计算安全期避孕3.4%,使用宫内节育器2.7%。研究结论处于最佳生育年龄的女性比例偏低;调查人群对婚前保健知识的掌握程度处于中等水平;男性对获取生育健康知识的态度较为懈怠;对宣传和普及力度小的生殖健康知识认知较差;调查人群对生殖健康、优生优育知识的需求突出;对不合理避孕、意外妊娠、不安全流产及补救措施存在错误认识和知识盲区;普遍的途径获取的知识缺乏准确性,对理想的获取方法又缺乏可及性。建议:应加强围婚人群的生育健康知识的宣传和指导;探索提高人群对生育知识认知的方式方法;充分发挥婚检门诊健康教育的突出作用;关注生殖健康服务的性别公平视角;普及生育健康知识关口前移,改善人群获取知识渠道的可及性。
[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to analyze the problems existing in the work of pre-marital health education and to put forward the appropriate model of reproductive health education by investigating the knowledge of pre-marital health care and the demand of reproductive health knowledge by the people in Beijing and Xi 'an. It is desirable to be able to reduce the occurrence of infertility and to promote the level of reproductive health of the bigamy population. The research method is a research method combining quantitative and qualitative research. The quantitative study, during the period from October 2016 to December 2016, calculated the sample size of 780 people according to the current status survey formula for the children and child health care institute of Chaoyang District of Beijing and the marriage inspection population of the Family Planning Service Center of the Family Planning Service Center of the Lianhu District, Xi 'an City, Shaanxi Province. A one-to-one questionnaire was conducted by trained medical personnel to investigate the knowledge of pre-marital health care of the people. During the period of December,2016, the qualitative research conducted 10 (20) people in each of the two health care centers, according to the interview outline, to understand the needs of the study object on the reproductive health knowledge. The data is collected and entered by using the EpiData software, and the data is finished and analyzed by using the SPSS 17.0 statistical software. Statistical analysis method: a descriptive study was used for quantitative investigation, the frequency distribution of data was analyzed, the percentage of the data was analyzed, and the chi-square test, t-test and variance analysis were made. The qualitative investigation adopts the phenomenological data analysis method proposed by Colaizzi to process and analyze the data. The results showed that 780 parts of the questionnaire were distributed,774 parts were recovered and the recovery rate was 99.2%. The effective rate was 97.8%. Age: 12.5% in 20-25 years, 49.1% in 26-30 years, 24.4% in 31-35 years, and 14.0% over the age of 36. According to the age of late marriage (male 25, female 23), 87.1% and 93.9% of women. At the best reproductive age (25-35 years for men,24-29 for women), 78.4 per cent for men and 48.9 per cent for women. The level of culture: the minimum of the primary/ middle school group, accounting for 3.8%; the high school/ special group account for 24.5%; the undergraduate group is the most, accounting for 50.7%; the above group of the master's degree account for 20.3%. There was no statistical difference between Beijing and Xi 'an (P0.05). There was no significant difference in the average scores of pre-marital health-care knowledge in male and female group (P0.05), and the average scores of different cultures were significantly different (P0.05). There was no significant difference between the average scores of the primary/ junior high school group and the high school and the undergraduate group (P0.05), and there was no significant difference in the average scores between the two groups (P0.05). The accuracy rate of pre-marital health-care knowledge is higher (the correct rate is more than 60%): for excessive smoking, the drinking can affect the quality of the sperm and the development of the fetus, and the correct rate is 96.6%; the cause of infertility can be from the understanding of both men and women, and the correct rate is 94.1%; The correct rate is 83.4% for the diseases which are not suitable for marriage, and the rate is 68.6% after the normal treatment of the sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis and the like, and the correct rate is 69.6%. The accuracy of pre-marital health-care knowledge was lower (the correct rate was less than 60%): the attitude of obtaining the knowledge of reproductive health, the non-active or indifferent attitude of the male (69.7%) was higher than that of the female (30.3%), and the difference between the male and female groups was statistically significant (P0.05); The method is not suitable for short-term contraception, the correct rate is 57.9%, the optimal reproductive age of the male and the female is selected, the correct rate is 51.2%, the ovulation period is calculated, the calculated rate is 49.0%, the period of the restriction life is selected after the marriage is required, the correct rate is 26.7%, and the understanding of the infertility is realized, The correct rate was 23.2%, and it was not clear 45.1%. It was found that the correct rate of the disease was 14.2%, and the correct rate was 8.0% for the knowledge of the genetic diseases, and the correct rate was 7.1%. How to pay attention to reproductive health in the first three aspects of the needs of reproductive knowledge is to avoid the negative factors, how to plan the conception, and the last two are the main transmission route of the venereal disease and the optimal reproductive age. Among them, the first three of the demand for reproductive knowledge in Beijing is how to pay attention to the reproductive health, the period of restricted life, and the common short-term contraceptive method. The Xi 'an area is how to pay attention to the reproductive health, how to plan the conception, and the remedial measures after the failure of the contraception. In the interview, the population has a prominent demand for reproductive health and eugenic knowledge. The main way to get the knowledge of the birth of the child is that the number of people in the network is up to 69.3%, followed by 40.9% of the book, 27.4% of the brochure, 11.2% for the knowledge lecture and 30.2% for the doctor's face-to-face advice. In the case of contraceptive use, the most common use of the condom was 78.2%, followed by the use of the contraceptive, which accounted for 20.1%, the safety period was 3.4%, and the use of the intrauterine device was 2.7%. The research conclusion is that the proportion of women in the optimal reproductive age is low; the level of knowledge of the pre-marital health-care knowledge in the survey population is at a middle level; the attitude of the male to the knowledge of obtaining the reproductive health knowledge is relatively weak; and the knowledge of the reproductive health knowledge which is small in the promotion and the popularization is poor; The population has a high demand for reproductive health and eugenic knowledge; there are misconceptions and knowledge blind areas for irrational contraception, accidental pregnancy, unsafe abortion and remedial measures; the lack of accuracy in the knowledge acquired by the general approach, and the lack of accessibility to the ideal method of acquisition. It is suggested that the promotion and guidance of the reproductive health knowledge of the people in the bigamy should be strengthened; the way to improve the cognition of the population to the knowledge of the reproductive knowledge should be explored; the prominent role of the health education in the clinic for marriage inspection should be given full play; the gender equity perspective of the reproductive health service should be paid attention to; and the popularization of the knowledge of reproductive health knowledge should be popularized. Improve the accessibility of the knowledge channel for the population.
[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to analyze the problems existing in the work of pre-marital health education and to put forward the appropriate model of reproductive health education by investigating the knowledge of pre-marital health care and the demand of reproductive health knowledge by the people in Beijing and Xi 'an. It is desirable to be able to reduce the occurrence of infertility and to promote the level of reproductive health of the bigamy population. The research method is a research method combining quantitative and qualitative research. The quantitative study, during the period from October 2016 to December 2016, calculated the sample size of 780 people according to the current status survey formula for the children and child health care institute of Chaoyang District of Beijing and the marriage inspection population of the Family Planning Service Center of the Family Planning Service Center of the Lianhu District, Xi 'an City, Shaanxi Province. A one-to-one questionnaire was conducted by trained medical personnel to investigate the knowledge of pre-marital health care of the people. During the period of December,2016, the qualitative research conducted 10 (20) people in each of the two health care centers, according to the interview outline, to understand the needs of the study object on the reproductive health knowledge. The data is collected and entered by using the EpiData software, and the data is finished and analyzed by using the SPSS 17.0 statistical software. Statistical analysis method: a descriptive study was used for quantitative investigation, the frequency distribution of data was analyzed, the percentage of the data was analyzed, and the chi-square test, t-test and variance analysis were made. The qualitative investigation adopts the phenomenological data analysis method proposed by Colaizzi to process and analyze the data. The results showed that 780 parts of the questionnaire were distributed,774 parts were recovered and the recovery rate was 99.2%. The effective rate was 97.8%. Age: 12.5% in 20-25 years, 49.1% in 26-30 years, 24.4% in 31-35 years, and 14.0% over the age of 36. According to the age of late marriage (male 25, female 23), 87.1% and 93.9% of women. At the best reproductive age (25-35 years for men,24-29 for women), 78.4 per cent for men and 48.9 per cent for women. The level of culture: the minimum of the primary/ middle school group, accounting for 3.8%; the high school/ special group account for 24.5%; the undergraduate group is the most, accounting for 50.7%; the above group of the master's degree account for 20.3%. There was no statistical difference between Beijing and Xi 'an (P0.05). There was no significant difference in the average scores of pre-marital health-care knowledge in male and female group (P0.05), and the average scores of different cultures were significantly different (P0.05). There was no significant difference between the average scores of the primary/ junior high school group and the high school and the undergraduate group (P0.05), and there was no significant difference in the average scores between the two groups (P0.05). The accuracy rate of pre-marital health-care knowledge is higher (the correct rate is more than 60%): for excessive smoking, the drinking can affect the quality of the sperm and the development of the fetus, and the correct rate is 96.6%; the cause of infertility can be from the understanding of both men and women, and the correct rate is 94.1%; The correct rate is 83.4% for the diseases which are not suitable for marriage, and the rate is 68.6% after the normal treatment of the sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis and the like, and the correct rate is 69.6%. The accuracy of pre-marital health-care knowledge was lower (the correct rate was less than 60%): the attitude of obtaining the knowledge of reproductive health, the non-active or indifferent attitude of the male (69.7%) was higher than that of the female (30.3%), and the difference between the male and female groups was statistically significant (P0.05); The method is not suitable for short-term contraception, the correct rate is 57.9%, the optimal reproductive age of the male and the female is selected, the correct rate is 51.2%, the ovulation period is calculated, the calculated rate is 49.0%, the period of the restriction life is selected after the marriage is required, the correct rate is 26.7%, and the understanding of the infertility is realized, The correct rate was 23.2%, and it was not clear 45.1%. It was found that the correct rate of the disease was 14.2%, and the correct rate was 8.0% for the knowledge of the genetic diseases, and the correct rate was 7.1%. How to pay attention to reproductive health in the first three aspects of the needs of reproductive knowledge is to avoid the negative factors, how to plan the conception, and the last two are the main transmission route of the venereal disease and the optimal reproductive age. Among them, the first three of the demand for reproductive knowledge in Beijing is how to pay attention to the reproductive health, the period of restricted life, and the common short-term contraceptive method. The Xi 'an area is how to pay attention to the reproductive health, how to plan the conception, and the remedial measures after the failure of the contraception. In the interview, the population has a prominent demand for reproductive health and eugenic knowledge. The main way to get the knowledge of the birth of the child is that the number of people in the network is up to 69.3%, followed by 40.9% of the book, 27.4% of the brochure, 11.2% for the knowledge lecture and 30.2% for the doctor's face-to-face advice. In the case of contraceptive use, the most common use of the condom was 78.2%, followed by the use of the contraceptive, which accounted for 20.1%, the safety period was 3.4%, and the use of the intrauterine device was 2.7%. The research conclusion is that the proportion of women in the optimal reproductive age is low; the level of knowledge of the pre-marital health-care knowledge in the survey population is at a middle level; the attitude of the male to the knowledge of obtaining the reproductive health knowledge is relatively weak; and the knowledge of the reproductive health knowledge which is small in the promotion and the popularization is poor; The population has a high demand for reproductive health and eugenic knowledge; there are misconceptions and knowledge blind areas for irrational contraception, accidental pregnancy, unsafe abortion and remedial measures; the lack of accuracy in the knowledge acquired by the general approach, and the lack of accessibility to the ideal method of acquisition. It is suggested that the promotion and guidance of the reproductive health knowledge of the people in the bigamy should be strengthened; the way to improve the cognition of the population to the knowledge of the reproductive knowledge should be explored; the prominent role of the health education in the clinic for marriage inspection should be given full play; the gender equity perspective of the reproductive health service should be paid attention to; and the popularization of the knowledge of reproductive health knowledge should be popularized. Improve the accessibility of the knowledge channel for the population.
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